The Instant Listing Presentation

The Instant Listing Presentation

Your listing presentation is crucial! It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to secure a listing appointment. So, it pays off big to make sure your presentation is solid, so you win the listing!

This is our best listing presentation based on hundreds of different listing presentations. We’ve tested out lots of different presentations and strategies. And this one worked the best. We’ve tested it on dozens of different presentations and made little tweaks to perfect it.

Step 1: Download the Easy Close Listings Presentation

Using a Free account, you can quickly and easily customize our 46-page Easy Close Listing Presentation to fit your needs.

Linked below are six templates in total. You will see one fully customizable template that will allow you to add your brand colors and five templates with locked background colors. Be sure to check out the video tutorials below for Canva editing tips and a full roll-play of the presentation.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the presentation

Before you start modifying your presentation, we recommend that you go through the entire presentation to familiarize yourself with it.

Sample Listing Presentation. In this Video, Charles walks you through the presentation as though you were a seller. Other members have found it helpful. 

Step 3: Modify the presentation to fit you

The Easy-Close Listing Presentation template has been designed to require minimal modifications. Simply add your headshot and logo to the first slide. Beyond that, the only other required modification comes on slides 44 and 45. Replace the placeholder testimonials with your own and you are all set.

With that being said, the templates are completely customizable, so you can add your own listing photos and case studies throughout.

Check on the video below for a quick editing tutorial.

Step 4: Practice your presentation to become more comfortable with it

Open your presentation on your computer, start at the beginning and do a practice presentation as if you are meeting with a seller.

Imagine that you are sitting at the kitchen table in a seller's home and you are going to go through the whole presentation with them now.

Go through each slide one-by-one and explain the slides. Speak outloud as if you were talking to a real person. If you get stuck on a spot, then go back to the training video and watch it again to learn how to present that slide. Then go to the previous slide (one before the slide you got stuck on) and start again. 

Keep doing this until you get through the entire presentation.

Bonus: Common Objections and How To Handle Them

We’ve all been there. You arrive at a listing presentation, confident and ready to sell the clients on working with you. 

You think everything is going well until you get to the close — and suddenly, the homeowners come up with some reason they can’t list with you right then and there.

It’s beyond frustrating, and if you don’t know how to overcome common objections, you could miss out on a lot of listings. 

This isn’t just a problem for new agents — even experienced top earners struggle with tough objections. They just have more sales opportunities, more case studies, and generally more confidence to overcome hesitations. 

We’ve met lots of amazing agents, and very few of them can work “miracles” and win “impossible-to-get” listings. So stop beating yourself up (and be thankful you won’t have to work with clients who would likely give you a headache).

Common Listing Objections and How To Handle Them

Objection: I want to think about it. 

When someone voices that objection, what they’re really saying is: “I’m not 100% convinced that you’re the right agent to hire.” In that situation, you want to identify what is holding them back, address it, and then ask for the sale again.  

How to address it: “I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. What’s specifically stopping you from moving forward with me today?” 

Usually, the seller will voice their specific objection or hesitation. Then you can address it and ask for the listing again. 

Objection: I want to find my next house before I put this one on the market. 

How to address it: “You know, ________, this sounds like a great way to sell your home and buy your next one. But, do you want to risk losing out on your perfect dream home?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue below.

“Here’s the problem with finding your next house first. As you know, it’s probably going to be a really great house. And because it’s great, lots of other people will be interested in it, which means the sellers will be able to pick and choose which offer they want to accept." 

“And if you were that seller, which offer would you want to accept? An offer from a seller who hasn’t even listed their house, or an offer from a seller whose house is sold and who has everything lined up to buy your home? You’d probably take the offer from the seller whose house is sold, and the person selling your home probably feels the same way. So let’s get your home on the market, get it under contract, and then I’ll go to work to find the perfect home for you. Let’s move forward and get started today.”

Then, just assume they want to move forward and continue. 

Objection: Another agent told me they can get me a higher price.  

Remember that you can always ask for price reductions in the future. If the seller is insistent on a higher price, tell them you’ll list it at that price but warn them that you don’t think it’s realistic. Let them know that some agents just tell you the highest price to get you to sign with them, but they rarely actually deliver. 

How to address it: “We can list your home at that price, but I want you to be aware that I believe that price is too high for this area. I worry your home won’t be seen by the right buyers if it’s listed at an unrealistic price point, but we can start there and see how it goes if you’d like.”  

Objection: Have you sold any homes in this area/neighborhood?  

Agents often run into these objections with sellers in a high-end area when they don’t have an established track record there. 

How to address it: “No, I have not sold any homes in this area. But, that’s exactly why you should hire me. Let me explain. You see, I work with a lot of people who are selling a lower priced home who will then be buying a home like yours, which means I’m going to be working with more buyers than an agent who works exclusively in this area. Does that make sense?”  

Wait for them to say “Yes” and then ask for the listing. 

Objection: I’m going to sell it myself. 

Most people have no idea how much work it takes to sell a home — especially for top dollar.  

How to address it: “I can appreciate that. And on the surface it really looks like you can sell your home yourself and save a lot of money. It sounds like you really just want the most money in your pocket, is that right?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “And that’s exactly why you should hire me. I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. My strategies will make your home sell for 2-3% more money, save you over 100 hours of work, keep you safe, and make the whole process much more seamless. I NET you the same amount of money and save you over 100 hours of time. Based on that, will you list your home with me today?”

Objection: Your commission is too high.

How to address it: “I agree there are a lot of desperate agents out there who will happily drop their commission. And I’ve shown you how I will market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for 2-3% more money. So, you will NET more money with me. Can I show you why?"

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “Here’s why I’ll NET you more money. Not only will I do a better job marketing your home and attract more buyers, but I’ll also fight for you. I’ll fight to get you the highest price and the best terms. Do you really think those agents who were so quick to fold with you will fight for you when a buyer wants to get a better deal?”

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue: “That’s why you need me. Let’s get started today.” 

Another great way to combat this objection is by showing the seller how much money they will save by selling faster. Check out how Rusty handles questions about his commission rate.

Objection: I have a friend in the business. 

If the seller has met with you, then they aren’t “dead set” on hiring the friend. In my experience, this is usually a smokescreen objection the seller is using to try and get rid of you. So don’t get flustered. Here are some different ways to handle it:

1. Ask if they want to mix business and friendship.

It's never the best idea to work with someone you know when there’s a lot of money at stake. 

How to address it: “I have a lot of friends in the real estate business, too, which is why when I look to hire someone, I look for the best. Obviously, you chose to interview me because you want to get your home sold for the most money possible. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

2. Offer a referral fee to their friend.

This can let the owner hire you and feel good about not working with their friend.

When you offer this and remind them that business and friendship can go wrong, it works a lot of the time.

How to address it: “I have a lot of friends in the real estate business, too, which is why when I look to hire someone, I look for the best. Obviously, you chose to interview me because you want to get your home sold for the most money possible. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

Pause and wait for the seller to say “Yes.” Then continue: “I’ve shown you how I can market your home to attract more buyers and sell it for more money. Your friend wants what’s best for you, and I’ll call and give them the news. Let’s get started today.” 

Objection: We need to interview more agents before we decide who to hire. 

When someone voices that objection, what they’re really saying is: “I’m not 100% convinced that you’re the right agent to hire.” In that situation, you want to identify what is holding them back, address it, and then ask for the sale again.  

How to address it: “___ I can appreciate that. And I’ve already done that for you. I shopped all the best agents in the area and compared what they do to what I do. And you know what was surprising to me?” 

Pause and wait for the seller to say “No.” Then continue: “None of those Realtors took marketing as seriously as I do. And that’s why I’m going to get you top dollar. Which leads me to believe that somewhere along the way I haven’t convinced you 100% that I can get you top dollar. So, what specifically is stopping you from moving forward with me today?” 

Usually the seller will voice their specific objection. You can then address it and ask for the listing again. 

Final Thoughts

Make a decision to become the best. Set a goal and then start working on it. Real estate is one of the best businesses in the world - if not the best. Where else can you make more money than a dentist, without going to 12 years of school, without being trapped inside people’s mouths all day, and without the risk or overhead a dentist has to deal with!?

You decided to get into this business because you realized how awesome it is. So, you might as well get really good and crush it!