Brian Lands 9 Listings in 4 Months

“It's just great to have something that works for you while you're sleeping, so to speak.”

Brian Beck began his real estate career in Dallas, Texas, but moved to North Carolina about four years ago. In his new market, he was struggling to make a name for himself and build rapport when he stumbled upon Authorify. While Brian initially joined several years ago, he admits he wasn’t fully invested the first time around and joined again at full force about four months ago. 

“I stumbled on a For Sale by Owner, and I just happened to grab one of the books with me. And I went over and he was doing open houses every weekend, and I would stop by and see how he was doing every weekend. And the house was just sitting there, and I brought a book with me one time. I said, ‘Well, maybe this will help you out.’ 

“And then every weekend, I faithfully stopped by, and he would ask me stuff about the book. About a month or so later, he said, ‘I'm just tired of this. Can you just do it?’ And I said, ‘Well, sure.’ And so that's kind of how I got started with the books.”

Brian says he now brings his books everywhere, especially when he’s stopping by For Sale by Owner properties. 

“I talked to a guy recently, went over to his house and gave him the book and said, ‘You know, this might help you out.’ I was talking, and he wasn't even listening to me. He was just thumbing through the book as fast as he could. So I use that all the time when I go anywhere now.”

Brian says he loves using the books because they take away some of the legwork involved in landing new clients.  

“I've tried just about everything in the book. And so far, this is about the best thing I've found. People do respect the book, and it stays there. You might get a call months down the road after you thought they weren't even interested. It's just great to have something that works for you while you're sleeping, so to speak.”

Brian has also started to mail out copies of his book as a way to warm up cold leads before he contacts them. 

“They don't want to talk to you at first, but then you mention it and, ‘Oh yeah, I got that package and everything.’ ‘Well, do you have any questions about it?’ And it immediately turns into a warm call rather than a cold call. I've done a lot of cold calling, and you first have to establish that relationship, and that can just be agonizing minutes at the beginning. But when you've got that book to refer to, it cuts through all of that and you can get started talking about their house.”

Brian says the increase in his conversion rate since using the books has been “astronomical.” 

“I had another listing in the neighborhood and somebody said, ‘Hey, I think these guys are getting ready to move. And I dropped off some information — not the book, but I just dropped off some neighborhood information — and I followed up with him and he had actually already left town, and I kind of gave up. And then out of the blue, he just called me and said ‘You know, I'm interviewing Realtors and everything. I went over there, and I talked to him and he said, ‘Well, I’m still thinking about looking at other Realtors and everything.’ I said OK, that's fine. And I had left the book in the car, so I started to take off. And then at the last minute, I thought, ‘Ah, I've got to give them this book at least.’ So I go back and say ‘Hey, sorry, I forgot I had this book and I meant to give you. This will tell you exactly what I do to sell your house for top dollar.’ And sure enough, that Sunday, he said, ‘Can you come by the house? Let's do it.’ I’m not 100 percent sure that it was because of the book, but it sure didn't hurt.”

Since he started using the books more consistently in the last few months, Brian estimates he’s landed nine listings because of them, and he’s got more potential listings in the works. 

“I even had a $1.5 million For Sale by Owner, and I came by their open house and I'd actually emailed them the email book and stopped by the open house and did some video and stuff of their house. I called them back, and the lady said that she was so impressed. And she said that they had some people that were interested. In the meantime, they had cut their price by $150,000.

“So anyway, it turned out that at that price, they did finally get a buyer. So I didn't get that listing, but if I'd been there a fraction earlier, I think I would have because they were really impressed by everything that I gave them.”

Brian says he has seen a huge return on investment since he started using the books. 

“It's probably the single best thing I've done. I still do a couple of other marketing things, but I've kind of pared it down to two other things. I do some videos and things like that, but when it comes to actually meeting and converting people, the book does it.”

Brian says he has barely scratched the surface when it comes to using his books and hopes to try out new strategies in the future. 

“The Authorify service is just unbelievable. I mean, you guys are always coming up with new ways to do things and being able to just call somebody and say, ‘Hey, I had a problem with this or that’ and it gets taken care of immediately.”

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