Get More Referrals from Past Clients
If you’ve been in the real estate business for a number of years, you’ve likely heard the phrase “sphere of influence.” This refers to all the people you know, both personally and professionally. Your network, or sphere, includes not only personal friends and family members but also people you know through organizations, through your kids or spouse, and just from being “out and about” in the community. I guarantee that once you start brainstorming, you’ll realize just how many people you do know.
So, what’s the big deal about having a large roster of acquaintances? I’ll tell you — these folks are the key to growing your business. Keeping in touch with your sphere means you’ll be the real estate agent they think of first when someone in their own sphere is buying or selling — and you’ll grow your business.
Your Sphere of Influence — Who’s in it, and Why Does it Matter?
The truth is, a lot of people don’t know how large their sphere of influence actually is until they sit down and start thinking about everyone in it. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list to help you brainstorm.
Keep in mind, your sphere is constantly growing. Every time you meet a new seller or buyer, your sphere grows. Every time you approve a spend-the-night party for your child and meet the other child’s parents, it grows. Every time you shake hands with your elderly mother’s caregiver, it grows!
Use Your Digital Book
It's easy to generate referrals with your digital book. Simply reach out to people in your sphere via text or email and say something like this:
“Hey, I just created this new book. I would love for you to check it out. Do you know anyone who is looking to sell or thinking of selling that may benefit from receiving a free copy?”
That's all you need to say. A simple text or email message can go a long way, especially if you keep it casual and not pushy.
Include your digital book link on any emails you send — whether you use the ones we’ve prewritten or prefer to write your own — or link to a picture of your book cover in your email signature.
Staying in touch consistently reminds people that you're still in business and that you're there to serve them or anyone they know however you can.
Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!
Find out more about Boost Assist here!