Dominate Your Neighborhood With Your Book

Dominate Listings in Your Neighborhood with Your Book

Have you ever seen an agent’s sign in your neighborhood and thought to yourself, “Why didn’t I get that listing?”

Whether you’ve been living or working in your area for a long time or you’re brand new in town, there’s no reason you can’t be the go-to real estate agent in your area. If that’s not currently the case, there are steps you can take to avoid losing out to another agent.

Laying the Groundwork

Before you can become the go-to agent in your area, you have to define that area. Are you trying to work with people in a specific city? School district? Township?

Aim to target an area of approximately 500 homes. Specifically focus on meeting people in your area you don’t know yet.

If it’s allowed in your area, knock on doors and introduce yourself. But don’t just show up and ask people to consider hiring you. Use the opportunity as a simple introduction and to offer them something of value — like your book. Encourage them to look through it and ask if they might know anyone looking to buy or sell their home.

The books are a tangible item that has value — something homeowners are likely to keep, not throw away. If no one is home, either come back another time or leave one of your books in a door hanger with a Post-it note explaining why you wanted them to have a copy.

An agent from Texas, Francesca, was new in the business when she went door to door around her neighborhood. “I started doing door hangers with these ‘pop-bys,’” she said, “I’d go around and pick a few different streets that were close to me, and I knocked on their doors and talked to everybody that would answer, and everybody else just got a door hanger. I got a couple of leads from doing that … I’ll be helping them list their home as well as find a new home.”

Show You’re a Local Expert

Once you let an owner know the benefits of working with someone who specializes in their area, they’ll be much more likely to list with you. Here’s what you need to bring to the table to differentiate yourself from other agents in your market:

  • Complete knowledge of the surrounding area (shops, schools, etc.)
  • Understand pricing in that market and buyer’s demands.
  • Reviews from clients in the area (if you have any).
  • Be somewhat familiar with the size of the properties.
  • Know where people work and if it’s a family-oriented neighborhood.

Try a version of this script:

“Hi, I’m _____. I’m one of your neighbors. I live on _____ Street. I also work as a Realtor, and I wanted to give you a free copy of my real estate book. Do you know anyone who is thinking about buying or selling a home in the neighborhood?”

The key to making this work is to reach out your hand and give them the book — while you are introducing yourself. When you’ve finished, wait for them to answer, and then see how the conversation progresses. It might surprise you how many people are friendly and more than happy to talk to you.

Honing in on Your Community

Before you start prospecting, first identify the low-hanging fruit — i.e. the people in your neighborhood most likely to be in the market to sell: FSBOs, expireds, vacant homes and those properties that were rented about 10 months ago (where leases may expire soon).

These are the people you should approach and reach out to first. You can start by mailing out your book or dropping it off in person using the aforementioned script.

Then, follow up by phone call a few days later to ask if the person had a chance to look over your book and see if they have any questions. This way, you’re not just calling them blindly or without reason.

Get People to Come to You

Hosting a barbecue at one of your open houses or sponsoring a local event is a great way to grow your brand awareness. Make fliers and distribute them in your area. Create a Facebook event page and share it like crazy in local groups.

Put copies of your books out in a highly visible area and other information/signs around the event that make it clear you’re the one sponsoring it.

If you host an open house in a neighborhood, invite everyone who lives close by. They will come for free food, but they’ll take home something valuable they’ll keep around the house and come back to when they’re in the market to buy or sell.

Results in Action

Frank Causey is a real estate agent with 13 years of experience. However, he recently moved from the south to Pennsylvania, which means he had to learn a lot about the area. “I even have the Southern accent still,” he said. Using Authorify books with his real estate prospects “helps me lay down the fact that I am experienced, I know what I’m talking about, and it makes me look like I have the authority and the know-how and the knowledge to sell their house.”

By using books, he found an effective and profitable way to market himself as a real estate authority — and to boost his own confidence in the process. Clients sense hesitation, and it can undermine their own confidence in the agent.

Here’s how Frank gets listings.

  1. 1
    He gets leads through Z Buyer, as well as,, and other similar sites. He also looks for FSBOs.
  2. 2
    He meets face-to-face with potential clients and goes through a generic script.
  3. 3
    After the sales pitch, he leaves them a packet of information that includes a book. It’s a way to close the deal, and it’s different from all the other agents out there who just share fliers, so he stands out in the crowd.

When Frank reaches the end of his listing presentation, he likes to pull out his book and say, “Oh. I’m going to leave this with you to review it.” He tells his prospective client, “Instead of a business card, this is what I’m leaving with you. It’s got my telephone number, my contact information on it. But it’s also a book that I compiled. You’re not going to find it on, but here is a book that can help you.”

He informs the client that the book will explain the steps needed to get the best price for the home. “They smile and go, ‘Wow, that’s really different.’ And I say, ‘Yeah. I just want you to remember me. Even if you don’t list with me, you’re going to remember me because I gave you a book instead of a flimsy business card that you’re going to probably throw away as soon as I leave.’ Then, everybody gets a chuckle out of it.”

Of the 15–20 books Frank has given away, he’s gotten three listings. One listing was for $300,000, which he ended up selling himself, making even more money in the process. He said the biggest benefit of the books is that they set him apart from other real estate agents in the area. “It makes [clients] feel like they’re getting something tangible, that you care about them, and that you’re working for them.”

The books help Frank show he’s a real estate expert, which in turn makes him feel more self-assured, especially since he’s still learning his new market. Of course, Frank backs up his new-found status with a commitment to provide 24/7 help for whatever his clients need. But the books are his most apparent differentiator.

“You’ve got to spend money to make money,” he said. “Even just $100–$200 can be a huge help. Also, be confident, believe in what you’re saying and don’t hesitate.

Frank prefers to give a book to people when he has an opportunity to provide them with some context. He uses them primarily to close the deal after he gets his foot in the door. “If I can get face-to-face with them, my odds of getting a listing triple.”

Pennsylvania is more populous than the part of South Carolina where he started his career. It’s harder to stand out in a crowded market. The books have aided his conversion rate on listing appointments by making him seem authoritative, “especially in the area where I’m kind of the rookie, I’m kind of the fish out of water.”

“Anyone that’s starting out in real estate … I would encourage them to buy the books and buy the program with y’all. Because it does give them a little boost of confidence that they do need. And it makes them look like, even if they’ve been selling real estate for six months, it makes them look like they’ve been selling it for six years.”

Frank said his biggest failure was probably during his first year. He believes that if he had committed to paying a small amount for tools, like his books, he would have benefited tremendously: “You’ve got to have tools. It’s just like, a carpenter doesn’t go to a job without his tool belt.”

To Summarize:

  • There’s no reason you can’t become the go-to agent in your neighborhood.
  • Make it your mission to familiarize yourself to as many people as you can.
  • Your books can be a powerful tool in your neighborhood prospecting — they give you a reason to reach out to people and help you establish trust and credibility. 

Take Action:

Now it’s up to you to do a little research and get in front of potential clients in your neighborhood. If you can establish trust and credibility with your books, you’ll be head and shoulders above the majority of agents who aren’t willing or don’t have the proper tools to get out on the street and win listings.

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