Call Scripts

These call scripts are written to prospect to a multitude of leads in various real estate niches. Be sure to customize them to your specific needs and practice to perfect them.

General Sellers Follow Up

Make sure you are talking to the owner. If Steve Johnson is the owner and the person answering the phone sounds like a guy, then ask, "Hi, is this Steve?" 

“Hi, this is ____. I’m the Realtor that sent you a copy of my home selling book. Do you remember receiving that book? 

Pause and wait for them to say “Yes.” 

“Great. I’m following up on your property at ________? Are you interested in selling that property – provided you could get the right price for it?” 

If they say “Yes,” then continue below.

If they say “No,” then ask them: 

“Do you think you’ll be interested in selling it in the future?” 

If they say “Yes,” then find out when that will be and follow up in the future. 

Tip: Always cut the follow up time in half because many people list  sooner than they think.

If they say “No,” then thank them for their time and end the call. 

“Excellent. I’d like to meet with you at the property sometime and show you my marketing strategies and how they can help you get top dollar for that property. When is a good time that we could meet and do that?”

If they say “Yes,” then schedule the appointment. After that, get more information to help you prepare for the appointment. Ask the following questions and note the answers. 

  • “If you were to sell, how soon would you want to sell the property?”
  • “What is the reason you are considering selling this property?” 
  • “Do you have any idea what kind of price you want for the property?”
  • “Can you tell me a little bit about the property?” 

If they say “No,” then try and handle their objection and schedule the appointment. There are so many different ways to handle objections that I can’t handle them all here. But, if you’re persistent, many people will meet with you… and list with you! 

FSBO First Call

Step 1: Make sure you’re talking to the owner.

“Hi, I’m calling about the home for sale. Is this the owner?”

Step 2: Introduce yourself. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name

Now, just so you understand, I’m not calling you to list your home. My approach is to offer assistance so that if you ever do consider hiring a Realtor, you’ll consider hiring me. 

So, I wanted to see if I could offer you free, professional-quality pictures of your home. You can use those pictures to market your home for sale by owner. (Slight Pause) 

Do you think that’s something you would be interested in? 

(Pause and wait for them to reply.) Most people will reply, “Why would you do that? It sounds like a scam.” 

To which you reply, It’s like when you go to the grocery store and someone offers you free samples. They give you the food samples, whether or not you buy more food from that point.  

That’s why I’m giving away the pictures. It’s a free sample of what I can do to sell your home. (Slight Pause) Is that something you’d be interested in? 

  • If they say “Yes,” set up an appointment for the free pictures. Do not continue on to Step 3. (If you do, you will destroy your credibility.)
  • If they say “No,” continue to the next step below.

Step 3: See if there’s an opening to get the listing today.   

“Now, if you could sell your home with a Realtor and they did all the work… and you still NETTED the same amount of money in your pocket… is that something you would consider doing?”

Most will say “Yes.” If so, continue: 

“I know this may sound crazy, but in most cases, a Realtor can sell your home for more money. For example, there was recently a FSBO on the market for $220,000. 

After 4 months on the market, they hired a Realtor. The Realtor sold it for $240,000. Even after paying commissions, the seller got an extra $5,000 in their pocket. 

I’m not saying this happens every time. But, it happens more often than not. Is that something you’d be interested in?”

If they say “No,” thank them for their time and get off the phone. Remember, next week is a new opportunity. At that point, you can follow up with them! Just keep calling until they list with you or someone else.  

FSBO Second Call

Step 1: Make sure you’re talking to the owner.

“Hi, I’m calling about the home for sale. Is this the owner?”

Step 2: Introduce yourself. 

“This is ____. I talked to you last week about you selling your home. 

I wanted to check back with you and see if you might reconsider the free professional-quality pictures I offered to you. 

Is that something you’d be interested in? [Wait for them to answer.]

  • If they say “Yes,” set up an appointment for the free pictures. 
  • If they say “No,” continue to the next step below. 

Step 3: Check if there’s an opening to get the listing today.   

“Now, if you could sell your home with a Realtor and they did all the work… and you still NETTED the same amount of money in your pocket… is that something you would consider doing?”

Most will say “Yes.” If so, continue: 

“I know this may sound crazy, but in most cases, a Realtor can sell your home for more money. For example, there was recently a FSBO on the market for $220,000. 

After 4 months on the market, they hired a Realtor. The Realtor sold it for $240,000. Even after paying commissions, the seller got an extra $5,000 in their pocket. 

I’m not saying this happens every time. But, it happens more often than not. Is that something you’d be interested in?”

If they say “No,” thank them for their time and get off the phone.

New Expired

Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Go through the script.  

“Hey ______, My name is ______. I’m a Realtor here in _______. 

I recently sent you some of my marketing materials. Did you receive them

Wait for them to answer.

I’m sure if I looked at your home, I could come up with a few ideas on some things that could be done differently with the marketing to get more buyers interested in your house… and get it sold. 

Would you mind if I stopped by sometime and took a quick look at your home? 

Wait for them to answer. 

  • If they are agreeable, continue to step 3
  • If they aren’t agreeable say: “Are you going to be putting your home back on the market sometime in the future? (Try and determine if you should follow up.)

Step 3: Set up an appointment

“What’s a good time that I could stop by and take a quick look at the home?” (Schedule the appointment!)


Old Expired

Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Go through the Script.  

“Hey ______. My name is ______. I’m a Realtor here in _______. 

The reason I’m calling is because you had your home for sale with another Realtor a little while ago... and it didn’t sell. 

I was wondering if you were interested in selling your home with the HOT Market we have right now?

  • If they say “Yes,” say: “I’ve got some different strategies that might be able to sell your house, even though it didn’t sell before. 

Would you mind if I stopped by sometime to look at your home and see if one of those strategies could get it sold?

  • If they say “No,” say: “Do you think you might consider selling sometime down the road?” (Try and set up a future appointment or say you’ll check in several months down the road.) 

Step 3: Set up an appointment. 

“What’s a good time I could stop by and take a quick look at the home?” (Schedule the appointment!)


Divorce Seller

Step 1: Make sure you’re talking to the right person.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Introduce yourself and your services.   

“Hey ______, My name is ______. I’m a Realtor here in _city name______. 

“I specialize in helping property owners going through divorce. Are you interested in looking at your options for selling the home?” 

Listen and assure them you can help them look at every option. Don’t argue your points now. Once they trust you, you can steer them in the right direction. You can’t build relationships without trust.

Step 3: Set up an appointment.

“What’s a good time I could stop by to look at the home and see how I can help you?” (Schedule the appointment!)

If they say they are not interested. 

"What if I just let you know how much you can get for the home?"

  • If they are agreeable: 

OK, great. When do you have 10 minutes so I can come look at the home and give you a market estimate?” (Schedule the appointment!)

  • If they say they are still not interested. 

“No problem. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me anytime.”


Divorce Attorney

Hi, is this [First Name]?

Hey [name of prospect]! This is [Your Name]. I’m a Realtor and I mailed you my book the other day about How to sell your home if you’re going through a divorce. Did you receive my book in the mail

If they say “Yes.”

Awesome, I specialize in helping divorcing homeowners get their home sold, and I would love to see if you would be available for a 10-minute zoom call where I could show you how I can help your divorcing clients get their homes sold quickly and for the most money possible.

My goal is to make their lives easier, and therefore make your life easier too.

Would you be available for a zoom call right now or would another time this week work better for you?

If they “Right now” 

Then get their email address and email them a link to your zoom room.

If they say “Later”

Then schedule a time to meet with them.

If they say “No”

No problem, well if you ever need help getting a client's home sold then go ahead and give the book I mailed you a read. It’s full of great tips on how to get your home sold fast and for the most money possible.



Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

“Hi, is this ______?”

Step 2: Introduce yourself. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name

I noticed that you have been appointed as the Executor of the estate of _______. Is that correct?” [Wait for them to reply.]

Step 3: Offer them a free Market Analysis. 

“I also see that the estate has a property at _______? Would you like me to do a Market Analysis and tell you exactly what that property is worth?” [Wait for them to reply.]

Step 4: Ask if they need any help with anything. 

“Do you need any help with handymen, maintenance for the house, or anything like that?” [Wait for them to reply.]


Step 5: Ask if you can meet them at the property.  

“Would it be helpful if I met you at the property to help you determine what it is worth and help you with anything?” [Wait for them to reply.]

The key to this entire script is to get them to talk and see how you can help them. If they start talking, let them talk. Sometimes, you’ll hear their whole life story. But, it will also get you some listings. 


Delinquent Tax

Step 1: Make sure you’re talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

“Hi, is this ______?”

Step 2: Introduce yourself and your services. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name

I noticed you had a property at _______ that had some past-due property taxes. I have some info on different options to resolve your issues. Do you have a few minutes to talk about them? [Wait for them to reply.]

Step 3: Offer them a free consultation. 

“Let me tell you a little bit about what I do. I educate homeowners on their rights and options to resolve their delinquent property tax issues. 

I help them understand their options to avoid a tax deed foreclosure and even put some cash in their pockets. I can meet with you, explain your rights, show you all the different options available to you, and answer any questions you may have. 

It takes about 30 minutes to go through everything. When do you have 30 minutes to meet?  

  • If they are agreeable to scheduling,  schedule an appointment with them. 
  • If they aren’t agreeable to scheduling reply, “Would you like me to send you some information on your options? [Wait for them to reply.] What’s your email address? I’ll send it to you.”

If they aren’t interested in you emailing them their options, thank them for their time and get off the phone.


Pre Foreclosure

Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

“Hi, is this ______?”

Step 2: Introduce yourself. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name

I heard your house was in foreclosure. I have some info on some different options you have to avoid foreclosure. Do you have a few minutes to talk about them? [Wait for them to reply.]

Step 3: Offer them a free foreclosure consultation. 

“Let me tell you a little bit about what I do. I educate homeowners on their rights and options to avoid foreclosure.

I help them understand their options to avoid foreclosure and even put some cash in their pockets. I can come out to your home, explain your rights and all the different options available to you, and answer any questions you may have. 

It takes about 30 minutes to go through everything. When do you have 30 minutes to meet?  

  • If they are agreeable, schedule an appointment with them. 
  • If they aren’t agreeable reply, “Would you like me to send you some information on your different options?” [Wait for them to reply.] What’s your email address? I’ll email it to you. 

If they aren’t interested in you emailing them their options, thank them for their time and get off the phone.

Here’s the script to call them the back next week. 

Call back next week and say, “Hey, its ________. I’m the Realtor that called you last week. I was just thinking about you. Are you sure you don’t want some more information on your different options to avoid foreclosure? I know I can help you get past any issues you may be having. Do you have some time to meet and talk?” 


Vacant Home

Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Ask if they have a minute. 

“I have a quick question for you. Do you have a minute?”

If they say “Yes,” continue. 

If they say “No,” tell them you will call back later and hang up. 

Step 3: Determine if they are interested in selling. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name. Do you own the property in City Name on [Street Name]? [Wait for them to say “Yes.]

I was wondering if you were interested in selling your home with the HOT Market we have right now?

  • If they say “Yes,” say: I can stop by sometime, take a look at the home, and tell you what I might be able to do to help you sell it. What’s a good time for you? (Schedule the appointment and move to step 4.)
  • If they say “No,” say: “If I ever had a buyer that was interested in YOUR property, would you consider selling it to them?” (Try and determine if you should follow up in the future.)

Step 4: Get more information to help you prepare for the appointment. Ask the following questions and note the answers. 

  • “If you were to sell, how soon would you want to sell the property?”
  • “What is the reason you are considering selling this property?” 
  • “Do you have any idea what kind of price you want for the property?”

Vacant Lot

Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Ask if they have a minute. 

“I have a quick question for you. Do you have a minute?”

If they say “Yes,” continue. 

If they say “No,” tell them you will call back later and hang up. 

Step 3: Determine if they are interested in selling. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name. Do you own the property in City Name on [Street Name]? [Wait for them to say “Yes.”]

I was wondering if you were interested in selling your property with the HOT Market we have right now?

  • If they say “Yes,” say: I can stop by sometime, take a look at the property, and tell you what I might be able to do to help you sell it. What’s a good time for you? (Schedule the appointment and move to step 4.)
  • If they say “No,” say: “If I ever had a buyer that was interested in YOUR property, would you consider selling it to them?” (Try and determine if you should follow up in the future.)

Step 4: Get more information to help you prepare for the appointment. Ask the following questions and note the answers. 

  • “If you were to sell, how soon would you want to sell the property?”
  • “What is the reason you are considering selling this property?” 
  • “Do you have any idea what kind of price you want for the property?”


Step 1: Make sure you are talking to the owner.

Call and ask for the owner by their first name only:

"Hi, is this _____?" 

Step 2: Ask if they have a minute. 

“I have a quick question for you. Do you have a minute?”

If they say “Yes,” continue. 

If they say “No,” tell them you will call back later and hang up. 

Step 3: Determine if they are interested in selling. 

“My name is ____. I’m a Realtor here in City Name. Do you own the property in City Name on [Street Name]? [Wait for them to say “Yes.”]

I sent you a book that shows how to sell property for the most money possible. Did you get the book I sent you? [Wait for them to say “Yes.]

I was wondering if you were interested in selling your rental property with the HOT Market we have right now?

  • If they say “Yes,” say: I can stop by sometime, take a look at the property, and tell you what I might be able to do to help you sell it. What’s a good time for you? (Schedule the appointment and move to step 4.)
  • If they say “No,” say: “If I ever had a buyer that was interested in YOUR property, would you consider selling it to them?” (Try and determine if you should follow up in the future.)

Step 4: Get more information to help you prepare for the appointment. Ask the following questions and note the answers. 

  • “If you were to sell, how soon would you want to sell the property?”
  • “What is the reason you are considering selling this property?” 
  • “Do you have any idea what kind of price you want for the property?”

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