Wayne Explains His All-Encompassing Approach to Winning Listings

Here are Wayne’s Key Points:

  • Wayne’s main source of listings has recently been expireds. Despite online leads, he still strives to be in front of people, recently volunteering as an usher at a community theater and engaging in local activities. He says “staying in front of people will bring more possibilities.”

  • Wayne cautions that buying leads is not the “get-rich-quick” scheme many agents hope for. He recommends spending money on real people and points out a time he bought a $20 gift card for a client, obtaining a referral as a result.
  • Using his Authorify books is one way Wayne shares knowledge with his leads. The books, he says, are usually step 3 or so of the process — after the lead has asked something like “Should I renovate the kitchen?” or “What do you think of this flooring?” The books work without having to talk to the lead for hours — they can read it in their own time.

  • Wayne also gives leads a pre-listing package of information that he drops off ahead of time and also brings to open houses. He uses a thermal grocery bag — about $3 each — and stationary imprinted with his logo and information. He also goes to the grocery store (or anywhere around town) wearing his logo, in case someone wants to talk about real estate.

  • Though he refers to himself as an introvert, Wayne doesn’t mind calling leads if they're expecting him. He will often trade a book for a lead’s contact information to acknowledge “the law of reciprocity.” Since his contact information is on the book, it sets up the dialogue.

  • Always have the service mindset when you approach people and give them gifts, Wayne says — or it will come back and bite you. Having relationships is more important than hitting a certain dollar amount.

  • After successful closings, Wayne asks clients to either pose holding a sign with his contact information and/or create a video testimonial.

  • Wayne also recommends serving on local Realtor committees and getting to know others in the field, to share opinions and stay informed about changes in the industry.

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