"It's really like having your own personal coach!"

Michael Walter:

The way I like to start everything out is if you could just kind of explain again where you're at in the country and how long you've been in real estate.


So, I live San Jose, California, and I have been in the real estate industry since 2011. I started in relocation and then I transitioned into buying and selling about three years ago. Relocation was more into the rental part aspect of the industry. So, then I decided to just do purchasing and selling and it's been a wild ride. It is not as easy and glamorous as people see it on TV.

Michael Walter:

Yeah, there is definitely the HGTV effect.


Yeah, it's not like that. But, I have a passion for it. I love helping clients. I love being the catalyst of finding the special home that it's so central in peoples life and being a matchmaker for that.

Michael Walter:

So how did you find out about Authorify a couple years ago?


I've been following a few people on YouTube and one realtor talked about your book and basically, she mentioned how she felt going into a listing appointment with a book. It gave her that confidence that she's, you know, brilliant and that she's professional and besides just real estate, she's also an author. I thought that was a brilliant idea and I said, "I'm gonna try it." So that's how I decided to join you guys.

Michael Walter:

And so you joined about two years ago?


That's right.

Michael Walter:

Tell me a little bit about what the first year was like, were you, you know, actively involved with putting your book together? How did things go?


No, I did not. The first year I did order my books, but I didn't hear from anybody for the entire year. And that was fine because I noticed that I was also very busy. I joined a new brokerage right after I joined you guys and I hit the ground running with them. So, I was really busy making transaction left and right and I completely forgot about you guys also. I didn't also reach out to you guys because I was just doing so well so it just didn't make sense going forward. And I didn't even really know the value that you guys bring to the table, you know, besides just, you know, grabbing your book to an appointment. I didn't know that there are more things that you guys offer besides the book.

Michael Walter:

So, when you reached out to see about doing the cancellation, is that when you really kind of started getting involved with the coaching calls, I know you had some calls with Jackie and I believe Stephanie as well?


Yes. You know, I was promised we're gonna help you be, you know, the best agent you can be this year. You can double everything you've done. We can promise you you'll get 15 listings with this. Well, if you can help me, you know, get 15 listings this year, you know, I'll give you guys another try. That makes sense, that's worth it for me. I don't mind staying if I'm getting value back.

Michael Walter:

Right. What were the strategies and the tips that you gained on these coaching calls that you've started to use and are starting to see some results from?


So, this market, as it is right now is very difficult, you know, and I'm mostly a buyers agent. The good thing I have for me going on is I have tons of leads and clients and people willing to do everything, ready to go. I don't have to go and chase too many people. So, that's an advantage I have. But, even though with that, I was making offers left and right and my offers are not going through right now. Not all of them, you know, out of like twenty, maybe one we'll get through because we got lucky, you know? We got better terms than the other people. So, that's my main issue. So, sometimes, you know, making all these many offers and not getting them through, you're working so hard for nothing. It just can make you feel foggy mentally and that creativity part is just gone.

So, that's when Stephanie and Jacqueline just came through for me and they started talking about all these ideas and creative and you know, things to do and really motivated me again. You know, because when you have so many clients, you take it for granted, all the things that I used to do to be able to create lead generation. I'm not doing that so much anymore right now. So, I forgot about that part, you know that, "Oh, we could do this. We could do that." I can get new clients actually, you know, more people that might do a transaction with me. So, that was very, it's like mental support, emotional support because no one knows that if business is going to be tough.

When that happened, you know, I was already in the process of going to a listing presentation with a client who just recently purchased with me and I really wanted to get the listing. So, I brought my book and I didn't hear for days with him and I followed up, "Hey, you know, I hope you're reading my book. And if there's any questions about the book, let me know." And he texts me. "Yeah, we're going with you. We're gonna sign." I think I wouldn't be here in that positive mental state of hanging in there if it wasn't for Jacqueline and Stephanie, they're amazing. So, that kind of support to me is priceless. And how come I didn't have you guys last year? I could have done way more than what I did. So, that really motivated me, the ideas that came through, the beautiful resources that they sent me about getting my social media up and running. I've been getting more engaged. I found a new title company through social media that is fantastic. I'm getting more engagement through social media all through this nice creative voice of putting yourself out there, you know, through Jacqueline and Stephanie. So, it's just, it's priceless.

Michael Walter:

Yeah, that's fantastic to hear that the value's not just in the book because we do put a lot of work behind the training and all the extra ways to use your book and to kind of position that book to help build those relationships with not just home buyers, but also like you said, the lenders and the vendors out there that really can turn into a big referral pipeline for you.


Yes. Yes, they do. I mean, I do work with amazing lenders right now. Last night I did go to meet a new buyer, first time buyer. They loved the house. I gave them my book. We're making an offer tomorrow. They're like, "Andrea, let's go!" You know, they thought the book was just brilliant. "Wow. You are so smart. This is amazing. I didn't know you write books." Just giving them the book made a huge difference. There was no question that I am their agent at that point.

Michael Walter:

Now that you've had these coaching calls and you've had these calls with Jacqueline and Stephanie, how much more confident are you going into those listing appointments?


Oh, I'm having a blast when it comes to that. I love my job. You know, even if I'm in a crappy mood and I have showings, that's gonna put me in a good mood when I show up with my book. And I love first time buyers, especially because they're really in the dark and just giving them a little light to the process. It just brings so much warmth to my heart. And they love me they think I'm an expert because I really am. But, I feel like the book really emphasizes that extra part of me, you know, "Hey, I know what I'm doing. I can guide you through this process." It's a big purchase. So, that just puts me in a good mood. It's like my therapy.

Michael Walter:

And, you know, I understand, especially in this market, being a buyer's agent can be really tough, because you, like you said, you're putting in all these offers and it's just not happening. Then you have to manage your buyer's expectations and their emotions also.


Yeah, just being upfront, I think the book has helped make them realize that I know what I'm doing. It just confirms what I know as far as, you know, being able to guide them through the process. And I also do bring CMAs. I bring the numbers, you know, "There's a difference between the listing price and the sold prices, look at that." Then I bring market data on the neighborhood too, as far as home are selling. Some are selling 20% over the list price. Some are selling 14%, you know, it's just adding those numbers and letting them know this is what I think this home may land at. Just so they're aware. A lot of them are not, you know, they just know it's crazy market, that's it.

Michael Walter:

Obviously when you're having conversations with specific buyers, you kind of pick up on the certain things that maybe they don't quite understand. So, having that book, are you able to kind of guide them to a specific chapter and help them?


I haven't received any feedback as far as, you know, they seem to be understanding the book on their own because it's very easy to understand. But, I do use the book though for my social media presence. I take a quote and I elaborate a little bit on it and I put my photo in it and then they quote on top of everything. It gives people that sense that I know what I'm talking about and I have my book and if anyone needs to read it, I do have the link on my bio that people can go and download the book from.

Michael Walter:

I think that's a great idea, taking the quotes from your book, because, you know, like you said, when you're in the grind of everything and trying to get all these offers written, the creative juices can kind of evaporate a little bit. But that book, as you're flipping through ,each one of those chapters, I mean that in itself is a whole blog post or whatever it is, a long Facebook post, or even just the individual quotes. That book is full of, I mean it's a years worth of content right there for you to post on social media.


Absolutely. Yeah, and I take advantage of that because it does attract attention. I've gotten many people, "Oh, you know, I'm thinking of buying three months. This is perfect. Thank so much, because I have no idea what's the process. I will download your book." Now. I have actually gotten some comments on that and my management team was just very proud of me and they downloaded the book too. So that's amazing.

Michael Walter:

Well, I'm really happy to hear that you were able to get in contact with us and have these great with Stephanie and Jacqueline. I mean, they're fantastic and our whole team, really the support coaches, everybody is really, it is one of the things we actually really enjoy, is actually talking to our members and working with them and seeing you guys get success. So, I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about this.


Absolutely. I'm really happy that I gave you guys another chance. I had no idea there was just more to the book, you know, the support that Jacqueline and Stephanie, they have been so patient with me and understanding, you know, how to come back. Because sometimes, you know, in this business, you have to pull yourself up, pull your clients up after offers don't go through. It's a mental gain. You have to go and take a break. And I think having conversations with Jacqueline and Stephanie have been a great break for me. You know, I take a little break with them. I listen to what they say and I'm feeling like, "Okay, let's back in the game, let's do this, let's get this." You know, is that motivation, inspiration that comes through the coaching. It's really like having your own personal coach. You know, I'm gonna miss Stephanie. I know she's moving to, you know, other positions and I'm really happy for her, but Jacqueline's amazing too. So, I look forward to keep working with her.

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