"I Got Three Of My Clients Because I Gave Away Three Books"

Roger Johnson has only been in real estate a little over a year, after a 40-year career in corporate accounting as a flat controller. Even with an MBA in finance, Roger struggled to find another job after his position was eliminated. 

“So I said, ‘Hey, I've always liked real estate.’ And I thought it was a great job — a career. So I decided to start a real estate business, and we have a pandemic.”

Since becoming an Authorify member five months ago, Roger has been watching other Authorify success stories and following strategies on our training site. He recently watched a video from Ryan Tompot, an agent who puts out a sign-up sheet at his open houses to win a free copy of his book. Roger decided to implement the strategy in his own business.   

“I took it to my last open house this last week. And 50% of the people signed up, you know?”

He is hopeful that the younger clients he’s helping with their first home purchases will become lifelong clients and come to him in the future when they decide to sell their homes. 

“I hope that I'll be there — well, as long as I'm alive — to be their forever real estate agent, but because they got the book and they can now see that they got a lot of good, helpful information out of the book.”

“You know, the million dollar plays and the 50 houses, that ain't gonna happen every day. But this one — everybody can have this kind of success with the book because you take it to your open house. You think it's so funny. It says, ‘Sign up and win a book.’ OK. Of course everybody who signs up wins the book. But anybody can have that kind of success. I mean, all your agents or clients could potentially benefit from that, and I got three of my clients because I gave away three books. You know, you can do that.”

In the future, Roger hopes to use the Divorce and Inherited books to break into those niches. 

“I've already had to go through that with both my parents and my mom passed away. So I understand about what it takes. … I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to act like a lawyer, but I will (give out my book). I think it gives good information about what you should do when it comes to the real estate side.”

Roger says handing out his books have given him confidence as a first-year agent. 

“When you can share this book with them and give them a copy of it, they do think of you as more of an authority. ...It adds to my arsenal of marketing tools. But I also use a lot of your prepared letters that y'all have.”

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