How To Follow-Up With Your Landing Page Leads

You’ve just received a lead requesting a copy of your personally branded book, what do you do next? 

Well, follow-up of course.

When it comes to follow-up, speed is critical.

According to, you are 100x more likely to connect with a prospect if you make contact within the first five minutes as opposed after allowing just one hour to pass. Additionally, you’re 21 times more likely to convert the lead if you respond in that first five minutes.

Text Message Follow-Up

For the most immediate follow-up, you can’t go wrong with text messaging. By responding via text, you are ensuring your digital book is delivered.

Text Template: (Use this text message to quickly deliver your digital book while acquiring their physical address.)

Hi [Name]! 

I just received your request for my book, Book Title.

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

**Tip for quickly responding via text**

Save a copy of this text template on your phone by either creating a note or send yourself the text. You can then quickly copy and paste the message without having to type it new each time.

Email Follow-Up

In addition to your text message, you should follow-up via email as well. This serves many purposes, but most importantly it shows you deliver on your promises. By responding via email you are also opening up a second line of communication.

Email Template 1:

Hi [Name]!

Thank you so much for requesting a copy of my book, [Book Title].

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

Please feel free to reach out with any of you real estate questions at any time.


Your Name

Email Template 2: (Instant Trust Package Included)

Hi [Name]!

Thank you so much for requesting a copy of my book, [Book Title].

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

Please feel free to reach out for any of you real estate questions at any time.


Your Name

PS. I’ve attached a few documents to further explain how I sell homes at top-dollar.

(Attach the documents the make up your Instant Trust Package)

***Tip for quickly responding via email***

Again, just like with the text message template, save a version of this email template on your desktop. It is much easier to copy and paste the templates than having to write them from scratch each time.

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