How To Promote Your Digital Book

8 Ways to Use Your Digital Book

Have you been using your digital book? If the answer is no, it’s definitely time to start! The digital version of your Authorify book is included with every membership level, and it’s a great way to reach more people than ever before. You can show your leads that you’re a knowledgeable agent who can guide them through a successful transaction.

Here are a few reasons we recommend making the most of your digital book:

  • You can share it as many times as you want because it’s included with your Authorify membership.  
  • It is a complete copy of your book from beginning to end — unabridged! Furthermore, in the digital age, plenty of people read books on an electronic device.
  • Anyone who reads your digital book will automatically find your Authority website, your contact information and your testimonials — in other words, they’ll get a well-rounded picture of you as an agent.
  • Your digital book is easy to include on all kinds of marketing material, including emails, Facebook events and more.

As with all of our products, we want to help you succeed. Here are eight ways you can use your digital book in your real estate business.

Prospecting Strategies

Meeting leads is a big part of any real estate business, and using your digital book can make the difference between leads thinking you’re just another agent and recognizing you as someone who actually knows their stuff. We suggest including the link to your digital book on any prospecting materials you send out to potential leads. Here are some strategies:

1. Share your digital book link in pre-listing packages.

When you send out a pre-listing package to a prospect, include a link to your digital book. You can share the link in your introduction letter, on its own “Read My Book” flyer or, really, anywhere the lead will easily see it.

2. Send your digital book link in email or text introductions.

Sending an email or text to a lead to see if they are interested in selling is the perfect way to share your digital book. They’ll get a better sense of your knowledge, and, of course, they’ll learn more about you from your Authority website. Put the digital book link in your email signature and include it in the text of the actual email.

3. Put a link or QR code on any printed materials.

Any printed materials you leave with prospects —  flyers, postcards, brochures, etc — should invite people to view your digital book. It’s a simple way to share with leads that you’ve written a book without actually giving them a printed copy (unless, of course, they request one).

You can also create a free QR code that your leads can scan with their phone cameras and instantly be linked to your digital book. This saves them the hassle of typing in your link. You can visit any number of free QR code generator sites, like and create your own QR code image that you can download and use on all of your printed materials.

Referral Strategies

Anyone who has a career in sales knows how important referrals are —  and how they can make or break your business. Earning solid referrals should always be a goal, and Authorify members can and should use their digital books to help them do so. Here’s how:

4. Email or text a link to your digital book for past clients to share with everyone they know.

When you have a satisfied client and the time comes to ask them for a review or testimonial, go ahead and send them a link to your digital book. Remind them that it’s free for anyone in their own circle of friends and family to read — and that you’d love to hear from anyone they know.

5. Share the link to your digital book whenever you connect with someone you met through someone else.

If you meet a new potential client through a former client or someone in your sphere, simply tell them where they can access your digital book if they’d like to read it. Say something like, “[Insert name] enjoyed reading my book; you might find it useful, as well.”

Online Marketing Techniques

Your digital book works best in your online marketing, so don’t neglect to share it on social media and in any of your profiles on various real estate websites.

6. Share links to your book on social media.

Have you included the link to your digital book on every social media profile you have? Whether you’re a LinkedIn user, a Facebooker, or an Instagrammer, don’t forget to shepherd your followers to your book so they can learn more about you. Put the link in your “About” information so anyone who visits your page can find it. We also recommend sharing the link as a post every now and then with a headline like, “Looking to sell your home? Check out my book that shows you how to get the most money in the least amount of time! Click and read it now for free!”

You can also encourage shares of your digital book by holding a contest for people who share your posts. Enter them into a drawing for a gift card to a local restaurant or tickets to a sporting event.

7. Share links to your book on Zillow,, and other real estate websites.

Add a link to your book on all of your real estate profiles, Google My Business, or any place your contact information appears. These are prime locations to add a link to your digital book so anyone who looks you up can read it.

Closing Strategies

A great listing presentation includes a variety of elements, from testimonials to cutting-edge visuals, and aims to overcome any possible objections the person may have to working with you.

8. Include your digital book link in your listing presentation.

As you work through your listing presentation, reference different chapters in your book to address various concerns and prove your expertise. You can share your link with the homeowners at any time to show them where they can read more after your presentation. Even if they don’t list with you at the appointment, you’ve given them something they can reference later on and learn more about what you offer. Make sure you leave them with a written out copy of your digital book URL and/or a QR code to scan.

To Summarize:

  • Your digital book is a great tool to reach an unlimited number of prospects.
  • You can share your book on social media, via text or email, and in any printed materials.
  • You can send your digital book link to past clients and other people in your sphere and encourage them to share it with people they know who might be looking to sell.

Take Action:

Did you know that your Authorify Marketing Success Coach can help you with any of the above strategies — or brainstorm along with you on any new ones you dream up? Marketing Success Coaches aren’t just for welcoming you to Authorify and helping you figure out how to customize our products. They can also offer assistance on ways to use your books — digital included — so you quickly grow your real estate business. For more on what your Marketing Success Coach can do for you, flip back to the intro on the front of this newsletter.

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