Get Listings Coaching: Week #3

How to follow up with your seller leads so you can schedule listing appointments

Your Action Items:

  1. Turn on your Email Newsletter Campaign
  2. Upload your contact database and lead database to your Email Campaign
  3. Locate and Practice your follow up phone scripts
  4. Call the leads that were mailed your book.
  5. Setup your follow-up letter templates.
  6. Prepare your letters for mailing.
  7. Mail your letters out.
  8. Follow up with your leads again (Up To 7x)

Detailed Execution Plan Steps:

Step #1 - Turn on your Email Newsletter Campaign

  1. Login to your account at and navigate to the Email Campaign so that you can activate the campaign.
  2. Go to the Sender Email Configuration page.
  3. Enter your name, the email address you would like your emails to be sent from, and phone number.
  4. Click the blue ‘Send Verification Email’ button.
  5. Go to your email inbox and look for an email with the subject line ‘Authorify Email Campaign: Please Verify Your Email Address.’
  6. Click the verification link in the email; now your email is verified and you can start sending emails.
  7. Go back to the Authorify Email Campaign and navigate to the Launch Email Campaign dashboard.
  8. Click the blue ‘Create Nurture Campaign’ button.
  9. In the ‘Campaign Name’ field, enter ‘Nurture Campaign.’
  10. Check the ‘Select all segments’ checkbox.
  11. Click the blue ‘Use Campaign’ button in the top right corner.

Congratulations! Now your nurture email campaign is active.

*Review additional provided Email Templates HERE

Step #2 - Upload your contact database and lead database to your email campaign

  1.  Navigate to the Leads section of the email campaign.
  2. Click ‘Import Leads.’
  3. Download the Sample file spreadsheet for importing your leads.
  4. Gather a list of contacts to import
    1. All the leads you mailed a book to last week.
    2. Everyone in your sphere of influence.
  5. Organize them on to the Sample File spreadsheet.
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Email
    4. Phone
  6. Go back to the Leads section of the email campaign and click ‘Import Leads.’
  7. Upload your list of leads.
  8. Add to segment: Biz Card v1 Book.

Bonus: View this quick training article to view the complete steps for uploading leads.

(Click Image To Expand)

Step #3 - Practice your follow-up phone scripts

  1. Download the Seller Lead Phone Call Script and print it out. (View it here)

  2. If you have sent books to divorce attorneys, download the Divorce Attorney Phone Call Script and print it out. (View it here)

  3. Read through the script, then go back through and practice the script out loud multiple times until you are comfortable with each of the lines.

  4. If you can get a colleague to role-play the script with you that would be even better.

  5. Sit across from them at a table, say “Ring Ring” and then have them “answer the phone” as if they were a homeowner.

  6. Use the script and try to get them to agree to an appointment with you.

  7. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times until you are really comfortable with the script.

*Note: You can find all of our Phone Call Scripts Here

General Seller Follow-Up Phone Script

Make sure you are talking to the owner. If Steve Johnson is the owner and the person answering the phone sounds like a guy, then ask, "Hi, is this Steve?" 

“Hi, this is ____. I’m the Realtor that sent you a copy of my home selling book. Do you remember receiving that book? 

Pause and wait for them to say “Yes.” 

“Great. I’m following up on your property at ________? Are you interested in selling that property – provided you could get the right price for it?” 

If they say “Yes,” then continue below.

If they say “No,” then ask them: 

“Do you think you’ll be interested in selling it in the future?” 

If they say “Yes,” then find out when that will be and follow up in the future. 

Tip: Always cut the follow up time in half because many people list  sooner than they think.

If they say “No,” then thank them for their time and end the call. 

“Excellent. I’d like to meet with you at the property sometime and show you my marketing strategies and how they can help you get top dollar for that property. When is a good time that we could meet and do that?”

If they say “Yes,” then schedule the appointment. After that, get more information to help you prepare for the appointment. Ask the following questions and note the answers. 

  • “If you were to sell, how soon would you want to sell the property?”
  • “What is the reason you are considering selling this property?” 
  • “Do you have any idea what kind of price you want for the property?”
  • “Can you tell me a little bit about the property?” 

If they say “No,” then try and handle their objection and schedule the appointment. There are so many different ways to handle objections that I can’t handle them all here. But, if you’re persistent, many people will meet with you… and list with you! 

Divorce Attorney Follow-Up Phone Script

Hi, is this [First Name]?

Hey [name of prospect]! This is [Your Name]. I’m a Realtor and I mailed you my book the other day about How to sell your home if you’re going through a divorce. Did you receive my book in the mail

If they say “Yes.”

Awesome, I specialize in helping divorcing homeowners get their home sold, and I would love to see if you would be available for a 10-minute zoom call where I could show you how I can help your divorcing clients get their homes sold quickly and for the most money possible.

My goal is to make their lives easier, and therefore make your life easier too.

Would you be available for a zoom call right now or would another time this week work better for you?

If they “Right now” 

Then get their email address and email them a link to your zoom room.

If they say “Later”

Then schedule a time to meet with them.

If they say “No”

No problem, well if you ever need help getting a client's home sold then go ahead and give the book I mailed you a read. It’s full of great tips on how to get your home sold fast and for the most money possible.

Step #4 - Call the leads that were mailed your book

  1. Pull up the list of 20 leads that you mailed your book to.

  2. Have your printed Seller Lead Phone Call Script handy.

  3. If calling Divorce Attorneys, have your printed Divorce Attorney Phone Call Script handy.

  4. Call the first lead and use the script to try to and get a listing appointment with them.

  5. Go through all 20 leads. Mark them as:

    1. Schedule appointment

    2. Reached - Call back

    3. Reached - Do not call back

    4. Did not reach

  6. Schedule an appointment for yourself to call back the remaining leads within 7 days, or within the time frame they asked you to call them back again.

Step #5 - Setup your follow-up letter templates

  1. Access the Seller Lead Follow Up Letter Canva template.
    (You must be logged into your Canva Account to access the templates) 

  2. If contacting Divorce Attorneys, access the Divorce Attorney Follow Up Letter Canva template.

  3. Customize your letter:
    1. Open up the letter template
    2. Replace the book image with your book image
    3. You can get an image of your book from your Book Lead Capture page. (Review the video below)
    4. Replace the name, email, and phone number with your information

  4. The letter is formatted to be only one page long, try to keep them one page so you can reduce mailing costs.

Additional niche-specific Letter Templates can be found here.

Not a Canva User? Download the word document templates here:

General Seller Follow Up Letter Template

Don’t Sell Your Property Until You Get a Second Opinion on What It’s Worth! 

You could be leaving money on the table if you do.

I mailed you a copy of my book that reveals how to sell your property for top dollar. I’m following up to make sure you received it. Plus, I wanted to mention something very important.

I’ve seen so many Property Owners sell their properties for less than they’re worth.

A buyer approaches them and offers what seems like a fair price. But little do they know the buyer may actually be a real estate flipper who hopes to make a substantial profit “flipping” their property. 

Where do you think the “flippers” on TV are finding the below-market properties they buy!?

If buyers approach you out of the blue about buying your property, they’re not willing to pay top dollar. If they were willing to pay top dollar, wouldn’t they buy a property that was already on the market?

Most of the time, these buyers are offering less than your property is worth – in some cases, substantially less! Now, if a buyer approaches you and is willing to pay a fair price, then by all means, sell your property to them.

But how do you know if the price they’re offering is fair or not? You don’t – unless you get a second opinion from an experienced agent. I am very familiar with the properties in this area and can help you discover exactly what your property is worth.

So if you’re thinking of selling, give me a call. I’ll put together a Comparable Market Analysis and help you determine exactly what your property is worth in today’s market. Please give me a call at [Your Phone Number] for more information. Or, you can send me an email at [Your Email]. I look forward to hearing from you.


Your Name
Your Real Estate Company

Not intended to solicit any properties already listed for sale with another real estate agent. If your property is already for sale, then please disregard this message.

Divorce Attorney Follow Up Letter Template

Tired Of Your Clients Hiring Difficult Real Estate Agents Who Only Create Problems For You?

Has the following ever happened to you?

  • The agent creates problems for you.
  • The agent creates unnecessary stress for you.
  • The agent doesn’t give you enough time to review documents
  • The agent is combative and doesn’t respect you.
  • Your client’s home fails to sell or sells for less than fair market value, because the agent doesn’t market it properly.

Let’s face it. Agents can be difficult to work with. I deal with them every day and sometimes they drive me crazy!

Wouldn’t it be nice if your clients only hired agents who:

  • were easy to work with and never caused problems for you?
  • who respected you and didn’t try to undermine you?
  • who did a great job marketing the home so it sold for top dollar, and therefore your client could easily pay you?

Fortunately, that’s possible. Because I work hard to be that agent. When you suggest me to your clients as a potential Realtor, I promise to:

  • Provide your clients with a home selling book that explains the divorce home selling process. The book explains the home selling process, how a divorce affects if, how to best navigate the process, and helpful tips on how to maximize the sale price.
  • If you’d like to see a Digital Sample of my book, then go to
  • I’ll be easy for you to work with on the transaction.
  • I’ll void causing any problems or stress for you.
  • I’ll make sure you have enough time to review any necessary documents
  • Aggressively market the property so it sells for top dollar fast.

Now, I know that talk is cheap. So, I want to treat you to lunch. That way we can meet, so you can see if I’m someone you’d like to work with. There is no obligation on your part. And, I’ll even drive across town to meet with you if needed.

So, if you’d like to stop dealing with difficult agents, then do this. Send me an email at [Your Email], and we’ll meet for lunch. Or give me a call at [Your Phone Number].


Your Name
Your Real Estate Company

Step #6 - Prepare your letters for mailing

Print out 20 copies of your letter. Use a color printer so that the book image stands out.

Step #7 - Mail your letters out

  1. Pull up the list of 20 leads that you mailed your book to.

  2. Remove any leads that you’ve met with or that are not interested.

  3. Take your envelope and write the address for each lead by hand  (again this increases your letter’s chances of getting opened).

  4. Take your letter, address each one by hand with the name of the person you’re mailing it to.

  5. Stamp your envelope, stuff the letter in, and drop them in the mail.

  6. Schedule an appointment for yourself in two weeks to complete this step again, and mail out the next follow-up letter in the sequence.

Step #8 - Follow up with your leads again (up to 7X)

Most listings are won because of follow up. We ran some numbers recently and 45% of the listings an agent took were won after repeated follow up attempts. That’s why you must follow up.

At the same time, you don't want to call someone over and over and over again. Hubspot did a study on this and they determined that the best practice is to call someone 7 times. If you haven't reached them, or they haven't made a buying decision by the 7th call, then move on.

*Review the full 60-Day Seller Follow-Up Campaign for additional templates.

*For Divorce Attorney follow-up, review the prepared campaign here.

Step #9 - Register for next weeks workshop

  • Week #4: How to lead the Listing Appointment so you can close the listing

  • Open the registration page.

  • Register your spot.

  • Save it to your calendar so you don’t forget!