Get More Referrals from Past Clients
Numerous studies show that consumers rely on the opinions of friends and family when they make purchase decisions. More and more, people are turning to online reviews to find out what others are saying about businesses before they even engage them. Word-of-mouth referrals remain the greatest source of listings in the real estate industry.
Consider these statistics from the National Association of Realtors®:
If you’re not tapping the goodwill of your former and current clients to generate new leads, then you’re closing yourself off from a very large pool of real estate business. As an agent, you can’t afford not to put your past clients to work for you getting referrals.
With the proper techniques and tools, it’s easier than you think to leverage the efforts of former and current customers on your behalf. Past clients are the cornerstone of any successful agent’s business. Your books can be the key that unlocks this great way to get more repeat and referral business from your clients.
Using Your Books to Reach Past Clients
If you worked with people in the past who didn’t receive your book, that doesn’t mean you can’t get value out of giving it to them now. Your books don’t just work as a prospecting tool. They’re also a powerful referral tool.
Satisfied past clients are the best advocates for your business. They may already be referring you to family and friends. But if they start handing out books on your behalf — along with a shining recommendation — you’ll secure even more of their referrals.
There are many ways you can get your books into your past clients’ hands. Use the following scripts and templates to give out your books to former clients.
And if you’ve already given your books to past clients, simply remind them about the book you gave them and ask them to pass it on to a friend or family member who’s interested in selling their home. If they want to keep the copy you gave them initially for future reference, offer to send them several more copies to hand out at their disposal.
Results in Action
Michael Colucci, a residential real estate professional bases outside of Las Vegas shares his story about the power of the books:
“The fact that I hand them a book with me as the author and my profile. You know, it lends credibility. I had one lady that said, 'Well, I'm looking at three agents, but I really want to look at your book." And she came into my office. She came in to get the book. We met, we talked. She says, "You know what, I don't need to talk to those other two people." She says, "You're my guy." And from her., just from her listing, I sold her listing to another real estate agent who bought her house, but sold her listing. Listed the house next door to her, sold it, got a referral from her. I've got a deal that's closed, actually before the end of the month. So, just from that one contact I sold three houses and I've gotten three more referrals. I'd say overall, I've probably sold in the last year, probably a dozen properties because of the book.”
To Summarize: