Get More Referrals from Past Clients

Get More Referrals from Past Clients

Numerous studies show that consumers rely on the opinions of friends and family when they make purchase decisions. More and more, people are turning to online reviews to find out what others are saying about businesses before they even engage them. Word-of-mouth referrals remain the greatest source of listings in the real estate industry.

Consider these statistics from the National Association of Realtors®:

  • 41 percent of buyers used an agent that was referred to them by a friend, neighbor, or relative.
  • Nearly two-thirds of recent sellers used an agent that was referred to them or used an agent they had worked with in the past to buy or sell a home
  • Roughly half of first-time sellers worked with an agent that was referred to them by a friend or family member to sell their home (48 percent).
  • For repeat sellers, many used an agent they previously worked with (27 percent).

If you’re not tapping the goodwill of your former and current clients to generate new leads, then you’re closing yourself off from a very large pool of real estate business. As an agent, you can’t afford not to put your past clients to work for you getting referrals.

With the proper techniques and tools, it’s easier than you think to leverage the efforts of former and current customers on your behalf. Past clients are the cornerstone of any successful agent’s business. Your books can be the key that unlocks this great way to get more repeat and referral business from your clients.

Using Your Books to Reach Past Clients

If you worked with people in the past who didn’t receive your book, that doesn’t mean you can’t get value out of giving it to them now. Your books don’t just work as a prospecting tool. They’re also a powerful referral tool.

Satisfied past clients are the best advocates for your business. They may already be referring you to family and friends. But if they start handing out books on your behalf — along with a shining recommendation — you’ll secure even more of their referrals.

There are many ways you can get your books into your past clients’ hands. Use the following scripts and templates to give out your books to former clients.

And if you’ve already given your books to past clients, simply remind them about the book you gave them and ask them to pass it on to a friend or family member who’s interested in selling their home. If they want to keep the copy you gave them initially for future reference, offer to send them several more copies to hand out at their disposal.

Results in Action

Michael Colucci, a residential real estate professional bases outside of Las Vegas shares his story about the power of the books:

“The fact that I hand them a book with me as the author and my profile. You know, it lends credibility. I had one lady that said, 'Well, I'm looking at three agents, but I really want to look at your book." And she came into my office. She came in to get the book. We met, we talked. She says, "You know what, I don't need to talk to those other two people." She says, "You're my guy." And from her., just from her listing, I sold her listing to another real estate agent who bought her house, but sold her listing. Listed the house next door to her, sold it, got a referral from her. I've got a deal that's closed, actually before the end of the month. So, just from that one contact I sold three houses and I've gotten three more referrals. I'd say overall, I've probably sold in the last year, probably a dozen properties because of the book.”

To Summarize:

  • Your books can be a powerful referral tool.
  • Past clients who were happy about working with you are your biggest asset. They can pass on your books to other potential clients and give you a glowing referral at the same time.
  • If they already have a copy of your book, offer to give them more to pass out to others.

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Generating Referrals With Your Digital Book

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How To Get More Referrals Through Email

How To Get More Referrals Through Email

Don’t believe for one second that email is an outdated tool when it comes to reaching previous clients and getting more referrals.

In fact, according to Fourth Source, a digital marketing news and opinion website, 92% of all internet users have at least one email account. Email isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and neither should your email strategy. 

Here are reasons to keep sending emails to previous clients to keep in touch:

  • Emailing allows readers to respond whenever they feel compelled to do so — on their own time, not yours.
  • An email will let you prove your expertise (if done correctly) to the reader, without the potential of being interrupted, or worse, hung up on.
  • Once you have that, it’s up to you to keep them engaged. 91% of people check their emails daily. Your emails have a better chance of being opened and answered the same day you send them.

What to send?

Here are some content ideas that even your previous clients are sure to be interested in and even share with others:  

  • Household tips, such as seasonal cleaning, decorative ideas, etc.
  • Neighborhood guides or local tips on great restaurants, service providers, etc.
  • Local event guides for sports, concerts, theater, etc.
  • News (But make sure it’s not too political or controversial. Feel-good stories that are locally relevant or unusual are always a safe bet.)

Segment your email list to get the most out of it.

This is one of the most critical parts of building a successful email list. You wouldn’t send market updates for certain areas to a recent client who just bought a home. This is the fastest way to lose your email subscribers.

Past clients should be a totally different category from leads. And even in the past client category, segmenting them into smaller categories, time lapsed since sale and other factors can ensure you send them content they will find useful and share with other potential leads. Remember, your previous clients are a source of future business. The better your emails are, the more valuable they will continue to find you.

Once you have an effective list, use the best subject lines to continually reach them.

This is the other crucial part of your email success. People receive dozens and dozens of emails a day. Your subject lines need to grab their attention but can't be too complicated.

Stay out of spam folders.

Eighteen percent of agents face this problem. There are steps to take to avoid it. You should use your work email, since emails that come from @gmail or @yahoo are much more likely to be marked as spam.

Your mass email service can handle a lot of this for you. They’ll include an unsubscribe button. However, if you have extremely low open rates, you may get marked as spam. Yet another reason to work on having great content! 

Promote your book in your email signature.

In any emails you send, include a linked picture of your book in your signature.

How do you do that?

  1. 1
    Save an image of your book cover to your computer, preferably in an easily accessible location like your desktop.
  2. 2
    Go into the settings of whichever email provider you use and find the section that allows you to customize your email signature.
  3. 3
    After you enter your contact information, press enter and find the icon for inserting a picture. You may be able to drag and drop an image depending on your provider.
  4. 4
    Once the photo is inserted, shrink it to a reasonable size and select it.
  5. 5
    With your photo selected, find the “insert link” icon (it usually looks like a figure 8) and type in or copy and paste the URL for your author site or website.

If you have trouble setting up your email signature, you can contact our Support Department for assistance.

You might be asking whether previous clients need to see a reminder about your book. Many of them already read it, or have no need for it at the moment. But if your goal is to get referrals, you still want to remind them that your book is available — for free — to any of their friends, family, colleagues or general acquaintances who might be interested. 

To Summarize:

  • Reaching out to previous clients via email is still a great way to get in touch. 92% of people on the internet use email.
  • Use an email manager to ensure you stay out of the spam folder and have an easy way to segment your email list.
  • Promote your book on your signature and encourage your previous clients to tell their friends and family they can reach out for a free copy

Take Action:

Come up with an email list of your previous clients and share relevant, interesting content on a regular schedule. Include your book in your email signature, and remind them that free copies are available for anyone in their circle.

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

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Get More Referrals from Your Sphere of Influence

Get More Referrals from Your Sphere of Influence

If you’ve been in the real estate business for a number of years, you’ve likely heard the phrase “sphere of influence.” This refers to all the people you know, both personally and professionally. Your network, or sphere, includes not only personal friends and family members but also people you know through organizations, through your kids or spouse, and just from being “out and about” in the community. I guarantee that once you start brainstorming, you’ll realize just how many people you do know.

So, what’s the big deal about having a large roster of acquaintances? I’ll tell you — these folks are the key to growing your business. Keeping in touch with your sphere means you’ll be the real estate agent they think of first when someone in their own sphere is buying or selling — and you’ll grow your business.

Your Sphere of Influence — Who’s in it, and Why Does it Matter?

The truth is, a lot of people don’t know how large their sphere of influence actually is until they sit down and start thinking about everyone in it. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list to help you brainstorm.

  • Family members, both immediate and extended
  • Your spouse’s family members
  • Personal friends
  • Your spouse’s personal friends
  •  Your kids’ friends’ parents
  • Your family’s friends
  • Colleagues you previously worked with
  • Colleagues you currently work with
  • Former clients
  • Your spouse’s colleagues
  • People who attend your place of worship
  • Your neighbors
  • People who go to your gym
  • Members of clubs you belong to, such as PTA, book club, Rotary, volunteer groups, etc.
  • Professional relationships such as your accountant, car mechanic, dry cleaner, landscaper, hairdresser, day care provider, dog groomer, and mail carrier

Keep in mind, your sphere is constantly growing. Every time you meet a new seller or buyer, your sphere grows. Every time you approve a spend-the-night party for your child and meet the other child’s parents, it grows. Every time you shake hands with your elderly mother’s caregiver, it grows!

Furthermore, these days, the internet and social media mean your sphere can be larger than ever. Not only can you keep in touch with childhood pals you might have otherwise lost touch with years ago, but you can also connect with people you perhaps don’t know in real life or know simply in passing. And, if you can make a great impression marketing yourself online, you’ll earn the respect of your virtual network, as well.

Here’s how to implement an effective Sphere of Influence strategy:

Our mantra is working smarter, and the same idea applies when it comes to reaching out to your sphere of influence. You certainly don’t want to invest a lot of time and money into cold leads or past clients who aren’t open to engaging with you and your real estate business.

That’s why it’s imperative to keep evaluating individuals, whether they’re acquaintances or former clients. How can you do this? Once you have your list of contacts, start dividing the list into the following three categories: hot leads, warm leads and cold leads.

If you’ve been in the business a while, you know the difference between a hot, warm and cold lead — but you might not regularly take the time to consider who in your sphere falls into each category.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about each person, so you can better determine whether they are a hot, warm or cold lead:

  • How did you meet the person?
  • Does the person live in your community?
  • Has the person bought or sold real estate recently?
  • Has the person worked with you previously?
  • In the case of previous clients, did they enjoy working with you?
  • When did you last engage with the person?

Once you figure out who counts as a hot contact, you will want to move those people to the forefront of any marketing campaigns.

Let me explain further.

If a lead is cold, that means they don’t know much about you and your business or perhaps do not need to buy or sell real estate at the moment. Your goal with a cold lead is to stay in front of them, so that when the time comes and they need an agent, they’ll think of you. Interacting in the community, sending occasional content emails and staying connected on social media are great ways to stay in front of cold leads.

If a lead is warm, that person might be thinking about buying or selling. They might be newly engaged, looking to relocate to a larger home or downsize to a smaller one — but they aren’t quite there yet; they’re just thinking about it. Many previous clients also count as warm leads — perhaps you just worked with them and they are settled for the time being, but you anticipate working together again in the next few years. These leads need to hear from you more often than cold leads, and in more “real estate-related” ways, such as helpful market tips and neighborhood information. You might also send warm leads greeting cards and gifts, when appropriate.

Everyone’s favorite category, hot leads, are where you need to concentrate your marketing efforts. These leads are looking to buy or sell soon, and may actively be either looking for an agent, trying to sell by themselves as FSBOs or asking others for agent recommendations. Mailers, drop-bys, and other more vigorous marketing campaigns are welcome and necessary with these leads.

Note that your hottest leads might be people you don’t actually know, but know of. For example, say you heard a woman at a PTA meeting at your child’s school talk about her neighbor getting ready to move. You know the woman at PTA, but you do not know her neighbor. The woman is in your sphere of influence, yet her neighbor is not. How do you get the contact information of the woman’s neighbor so you can market yourself? Try something like:

Hey Amy, I didn’t know if you knew this, but I’m a real estate agent. I would love to reach out to your neighbor Kim about selling her house! Do you have a contact for her?

When ranking Amy, whose neighbor is moving, you can temporarily move her into the hot lead category and remind yourself to get her neighbor’s information. Once you are acquainted with Kim the neighbor, you can categorize Kim as the hot lead and, if necessary, recategorize Amy. 

Once you have everyone categorized as a hot, warm or cold lead, you can decide which marketing techniques will suit each contact. Here are some ways you can reach out to people in your sphere.

Mail/Drop-Off Packages

Once you’ve put together a list, mail each of the individuals on your list a copy of your book in a bubble mailer. If it’s convenient, you can simply drop off your books or deliver them in person. 

For individuals you know or have met, attach a Post-it note on the book that says, “Dear _____. I wanted to send you a copy of my new real estate book. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you know that is thinking of selling their home.”

Email/Text Correspondence

The easiest way to reach out to members of your sphere is through email or text. Your digital book link allows you to get your book in front of more people than ever before. Insert it into your email signature, or text it out to people asking for their feedback.

Here’s an example of one of the email templates included in the course. It can be tweaked to include a link of your digital book if you prefer:

Subject Line:

Can you help me out?


Hi FirstName,

I have been working hard to put together my new book, and I’m reaching out to some people in my circle to read it and offer feedback on the content.

My book is full of helpful information to help home sellers get the most money possible on their sales, including tips on staging, pricing, negotiations, closing, and more. 

I wanted you to be one of the first to have a copy because I trust your opinion and think my book could be really beneficial if you’re looking to sell your home now or in the future. 

Where should I send you a free copy? Let me know, and I’ll get it in the mail right away. And if you have some friends or family who might be interested in reading it, feel free to send me their info, as well. 

Thank you for helping me out with this!

Agent Name




You can view the full training for both of these strategies by clicking the links below:

To Summarize:

  • We all know people who might be looking to buy or sell — and we all know people who know people who might be looking to buy or sell.
  • The key to getting business from your sphere is to stay in front of them.
  • Your books are a great way to convert hot leads within your sphere because they enhance your image with people who already know who you are. 

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Get More Referrals from Your Sphere of Influence

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How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

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How to Find and Land First-Time Home Buyer Leads

How to Find and Land First-Time Home Buyer Leads

Buying a home can be a daunting experience for anyone — especially first-time home buyers. All of the steps and requirements involved in the process can easily overwhelm your clients, so it’s your job to put them at ease and guide them along the way.

Statistics show that the majority of current first-time home buyers are millennials. So what does this mean for you? It means it’s important to cater your marketing efforts toward this generation, who are, in most cases, highly tech savvy but also cautious about making major financial decisions.

If you want to gain the trust of first-time home buyers, you must offer advice and guidance the internet cannot provide. Don’t shy away from showing your skills and expertise. You should aim to become their go-to person for all things real estate.


Social media is a fast and easy way to find clients, advertise your skills and answer questions. When used properly, it can also help you build your client list. Aim for consistent branding across your social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and implement a posting schedule so you’ll stay consistently in front of your leads.

One of the best platforms to connect with this generation of home buyers is Instagram. It’s ideal for real estate marketing since it’s visual and will allow you to showcase listed properties, offer virtual tours, and highlight local happenings in your area. Plus, it has a huge user base, totalling more than 1 billion monthly active users. Since it’s owned by Facebook, you can post to Instagram and Facebook at the same time.

According to a recent study conducted by the National Association of Realtors®, social media has become an integral part of securing clients and closing deals.

These are the highlights of the the report:

  • 77% of Realtors actively use social media.
  • 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest-quality leads versus other sources.
  • 99% of millennials and 90% of baby boomers begin their home search online.

But just because social media is a quick and easy platform to engage with potential clients doesn’t mean you can rely purely on luck. In addition to posting your current listings and recent buyer purchases, it’s important to stay on top of current market trends, interest rates and popular content to relate to buyers. Create graphics to offer short, helpful home-buying tips, and aim to show your personality. First-time buyers want to work with someone who will help them enjoy the process, so it’s important to share personal updates and hobbies to show you’re a human being first.


Because most first-time home buyers go into the process with very little knowledge, blogging is a great way to connect with potential clients and position yourself as an expert. Publish content about the buying process, loan types, down payments, credit scores, FAQs, and other topics you’ve had to address with clients in the past. Sharing this information shows you know what you’re talking about and helps potential clients learn to trust you.

You can also use your published blogs to respond to questions from your clients after they’ve agreed to work with you. Direct them to your blog with in-depth, easy-to-digest content, which will save you time repeating the same information over and over and also allow your buyers to understand the process more thoroughly.

Do some research to find out which topics might interest first-time buyers in your market. Showcase your community and all of the reasons buyers should consider a home in your area. Write “Top 10” lists of places to visit and restaurants to try, and promote upcoming events.

Having a regularly published blog also improves your Google ranking, driving traffic to your site and expanding your potential reach. Be sure to include important and area-specific keywords to help people find you.


Since potential first-time buyers are often uneducated about the buying process and often have trepidation about getting started, seminars are a great place to educate them and show them you can guide them.

Create a Facebook event, and ask your friends, family and followers to share it. You can also post in community groups likely to engage first-time buyers or their parents. Make sure to advertise that the event is free, and offer an incentive like a free copy of your book or an entry into a drawing for a new TV, streaming service subscription, sporting event tickets or local restaurant gift card.

Use a visual aid like a Powerpoint presentation to introduce your attendees to the process, and encourage questions. Ask people to sign a check-in sheet or collect information on a tablet so you can nurture your leads after the seminar. Give out your business cards, and encourage people to contact you with any questions.


Another technique to effectively reach first-time buyers is to search recent marriage records and track down their contact info. Send out a text or email to break the ice, since most millennials prefer written communication. Follow up with a phone call if you don’t get a response.

If you don’t want to lead with a sales pitch, consider sending blog articles to potential clients via email on a consistent basis so they remember you and will contact you when they’re ready to buy.

You can also send new listings in the area that might pique their interest and get them to call you. Personalize these emails by giving your take on the property’s features and noting if you think the asking price is too high and you would be able to negotiate a lower price.


Your first-time buyer book is the perfect tool to reach buyers and gain their trust. It gives you authority and shows you’re an expert in handling home purchases.

Preview the First-Time Home Buyer Book here!

Bridgette Williams, an agent based out of Columbia, S.C., uses her Authorify books not only to reach leads, but also as an educational resource for her clients. 

She says her books are a helpful resource when her clients have questions.  

“Being able to still educate someone and have the foundation behind it in the form of a written document, legitimately showing the proof of strategies, has been pretty good for me.”

Bridgette says when you’re approaching prospects, you should lead with trying to be helpful, and that’s exactly what your book does. Your leads shouldn’t feel like you’re only approaching them because you want to market yourself.

Check out our full interview with Bridgette here!


So once you’ve made initial contact with first-time buyer leads, how do you seal the deal? Here are some tips.

1. Plan a follow-up schedule.

You have to give clients enough time and space to consider hiring you, but you also don’t want them to forget about you. It helps to keep a database with your leads’ information, taking note of previous contacts and their responses

Place your leads into two different categories — active leads and passive leads.

  • Active leads are those who are ready to purchase a house and work with you.
  • Passive leads are those who need more time to make a decision and may not be ready to move forward just yet.

Active leads need to be contacted more frequently so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to work with them. Passive leads can be put into your CRM to receive blog emails and on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. You can always re-evaluate your leads and move them between the categories as needed.

2. Try using different communication methods.

It’s important to explore various communication types when doing follow-ups — text messages, phone calls, emails, and social media messages are all good. See which leads respond best to which forms of communication, and note this detail with their contact information. The goal is to appeal to your prospects in different ways to stay top of mind and stand out from your competition.

3. Always ask permission, and prioritize your clients’ preferences.

If your leads seem put off by the frequency of your communication, it’s OK to pull back a bit. To avoid running into this problem, focus on being helpful and building rapport rather than constantly pitching or selling them on your services. Your book is a great conversation piece to keep in touch. Bring up different chapters or topics and ask if they have any questions about the content.

Don’t be afraid to ask permission to follow up with any leads who tell you they aren’t quite ready to buy. By respectfully asking for permission to follow up, you actually lessen the odds of becoming a headache and gain a solid footing for a future relationship.

Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!

Find out more about Boost Assist here!

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Vacant Campaign

How To Use A First Impression Vacant Package To Win Vacant Listings

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are over 16 million homes sitting vacant. What does that mean for you, the realtor? Well, it means there is a goldmine of listing opportunities just waiting for you to come calling.

The key is to think quality over quantity. While there are millions of potential leads out there, you stand a much better chance transforming one into a listing if you go after the right vacant.

In this training course you are going to learn:
  • How To Find Motivated Vacant Leads
  • How To Use The First Impression Package
  • How To Follow Up With The Vacant Listings Campaign

How To Find Motivated Vacant Leads

You have a two options for finding vacant leads:

#1: Paid lead sources, such as or Data Tree can provide you with Vacant Leads for a price.

#2: You can find them yourself. You can use resources like the Property Appraiser’s Website, Clerk of Court, or Zillow to find leads. In addition, you can also simply drive around, look for properties that look vacant, and take down the addresses to follow up later.

Let’s go a little more in-depth on how to find the leads.

Here are some of the different sources we’ve found in our search for Vacant Leads. 

Your local Property Appraiser or Tax Assessor

  • Cost: Free.
  • Note: You have to sort through the data they give you and try to make sense of it. Contact them for more information on how to get the info.

Agent Pro 247

  • Website:
  • Cost: $50-120 a month for a monthly membership.
  • Note: They sell their data in a monthly membership. You can get 500 records per month for $50. That might make sense if you’re able to review and work 500 records each month because then you’ll have a new set of listing leads to work each month.

List Source

  • Website:
  • Cost: The prices ranged from 10 cents to 15 cents per lead on an a la carte basis.
  • Note: I couldn’t figure out their pricing. It seemed to vary — with no rhyme or reason to it. In addition, I didn’t like their website. It seemed out of date and cumbersome to use.

Data Tree

How to find the vacant leads that are the most likely to sell.

You’ll notice that the quality of the vacant leads varies depending on the source. Here are some of the different lead sources, ranked according to their likelihood of selling.

Highest quality leads, most likely to sell: 

Evictions. I’m talking about single family or condo evictions where the property owner doesn’t own more than 3 properties. (Apartment evictions don’t count.)

You can find eviction filings at your local courthouse. Call or visit your local courthouse for more information.

High-End Vacant Lots or Vacant Land — where the owner lives out of town. The best leads are people who have owned the property for years and live out of town.

A lot of them simply hold onto the property for years and just never get around to selling it. You’d be surprised how many are open to selling once you contact them.

Get these leads from one of the paid data providers or your local Property Appraiser or Tax Assessor. Contact them for more information on how to get the lists.

Absentee Owners with other signs that the owner may be interested in selling. Here are some of those signs: long grass, unkept yards, broken windows, delinquent property taxes, or anytime the home simply looks vacant.

If you get a list of Absentee Owners from one of the lead providers above, you can find the ones that are most likely to sell by driving past the homes or checking their tax records on the Tax Collector’s Website.

Medium quality leads, likely to sell:

Absentee Owners who live out of town. Some of the lead providers allow you to buy a list of only this type of lead. 

Absentee Owners where the owners are over 65 years old. In the National Association of Realtors 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the largest percentage of sellers (24%) are between the ages of 65 and 74. So, when you combine an Absentee Property with an owner that’s 65+, they’re much more likely to want to sell. 

You can often find someone’s age just by Googling their name and location. Look at the screenshot below:

An Inside Tip: You can research the age of all the property owners using a Demographic Appender like Data Finder. They will append Phone Numbers for 4 cents per matched record and the person’s age for 4 cents per matched record. 

They have a minimum order of $100. If you want a ton of great vacant leads, then buy a list of 5,000 from Melissa Data, Append their info using DataFinder, and then start working those leads. 

High-End Vacant Lots or Vacant Land - where the owner lives in the area.They aren’t as likely to sell as the owners who moved away. But a lot of them do want to sell.

I’ve listed a lot of properties like this simply because my contact was the one thing that “pushed them off the fence” and got them to take action.

Absentee Owner Tear-Down Leads.This is where the seller will be more likely to sell because they can get a lot more for their property than what they’re earning in rent. 

A perfect example is this property just down the road from our office:

I estimate that each lot is worth about $300,000. So, they could probably sell it for $900,000. And, even if the owner was in town, $900,000 cash is much more attractive than the $1,900 a month they’d get in rent.

For Rent by Owner -  where the owner lives out of town. Rentals are so tough. And very few property owners really understand the risks associated with being a landlord, much less how to deal with those risks.

When you show them the risks, and the fact that you can help them get rid of their properties and put money in their pockets, they often decide to sell instead.

You can find rentals on Zillow, Craigslist, and the Facebook Marketplace.

For Rent by Owner - where they’ve been for rent for longer than 30 days. Most rentals rent out pretty fast. But the ones that are on the market for longer than 30 days are highly likely to want to sell. You can find rentals that have been on the market for a while by sorting for “Newest” on Zillow and scrolling to the oldest rentals. See below: 

Below is a rental that’s been on the market for over 60 days. It’s worth about $350,000 and would be a great listing lead.

When you show them the risks, and the fact that you can help them get rid of their properties, and put money in their pocket, they often decide to sell it instead.

Lower quality, less likely to sell leads.

Yes, these people do sell. But they’re not as likely to sell as some of the people I’ve talked about above.

I wouldn’t send these leads a book, but they are worth a phone call to offer your Digital Book, a free market analysis, and see if they’re interested in selling.

Regular absentee Owners that live in the area and are less than 65 years old.

For Rent by Owner where the owner lives in town.

All Tear-Down Leads. Yes, I know this training is about Vacant Homes. But, you’re going to come across lots of Tear Down Leads. So, you might as well work all of them.

I think it’s worth contacting the Owner Occupants! Some of these properties are such great listings that you don’t need any other selling motivation indicators!

But, if you want to sort out the best leads, look for some of these selling motivation indicators:

  • Over 65 years old.
  • Owner doesn’t live on the property.
  • Behind on property taxes.
  • Formerly listed.

So now that I’ve gone through the overview, pick a source of leads and start building a list.

How To Use The First Impression Package

There are two different ways you can get the package in the seller’s hands:
  • Drop Off Package
  • Mail Package.
Let’s start with your different options for getting the package into the seller’s hands.
*A key to remember here is that these packages are not going to the actual vacant property but the address of where the owner actually lives.* 

The Mailed Package: Insert your book and the package contents inside a bubble mailer. Once you’ve got your books packed up, go to the post office, buy stamps and mail them to your leads.

The Drop Off Package: Put your book in a clear bag so the seller can see it, and leave it hanging around the front door handle or on the porch where they’ll see it. Don’t forget to include a handwritten note and your contact information.

Now that I’ve shown you how to get the package into the seller’s hands, let’s take a look at what’s inside!

The Marketing Pieces that make up the First Impression Vacant Package.

Note: you don’t have to add all of these marketing pieces. Modify the documents to match what you do and the way you do business. You can insert the documents in your book package – before or after your book.

Vacant Lead Cover Letter

This cover letter introduces the agent and explains the purpose of the book.

Agent Comparison Chart

Use this chart to compare what you do to market a home versus what kind of service the average agent typically provides.

Marketing Plan

Use this sample marketing plan to illustrate what you offer and how you market the homes you list. Feel free to modify this to match what you will do to market your customer’s home.

Reference Letters

Add testimonials and references from customers and colleagues to this document.

Photo Brochure

This will prove that you are going to advertise the home better than other agents.

Follow Up With This Vacant Leads Campaign

The Vacant Leads Campaign includes all the necessary elements to run a seamless campaign and start getting listings immediately. It starts with your First Impression Package and progresses through a series of follow-up letters and even phone scripts. We’ve even established a timeline, so you know exactly when to follow up with the next letter or phone call. All you need to do is list the home; we’ve done the hard part for you.

Below you can find all of the letter templates and scripts needed to complete this Vacant Leads Campaign.

Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!

Find out more about Boost Assist here!

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Luxury Listing Funnel

Land More High-Dollar Deals With The Luxury Listing Funnel

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How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

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Inherited Listings

How To Find Inherited
Homeowners And List Them

Inherited Homes are a vast, overlooked source of listings. Over 1.1 Million Homes are inherited each year, and many of them are listed shortly thereafter. In this course, I’ll show you how to get these listings.  

Step 1: Find the Inherited Homes in your area.

The best way to find the Inherited Homes is using the Probate Court Records. Below is a video that shows how to do that.


A. Find the Probate Court Cases on your local courthouse’s website.

B. Once you find a lead, you want to qualify it. To do this, verify that the person who passed away owned real estate AND that they are the last remaining spouse.

Nitty Gritty Details:

OK, so now that you understand the big picture, let’s dive into the nitty gritty details.

A. First, you’ll want to find the Probate Court Cases on your local courthouse’s website. Most Court Cases are filed with your local Courthouse. You can usually find the information with a Google Search. 

Try searching “CountyName County StateName Probate Case Search.” 

Once you find the site, try and find the records on it. Some of these sites are a little bit hard to use, and there is a good chance you will need to call their office for help.

It will take some persistence, but once you figure it out, you’ll be able to find the court cases. If you are not able to find the information on the website, contact the courthouse and have someone help you.

I recommend calling several times until you find a clerk that will help you. When I was new to the business, some clerks told me that I couldn’t access certain courthouse records. I didn’t believe them, called back, talked to another clerk, and they helped me find the information.

Anyways… I managed to find the Probate Court Cases in Duval County

About 4,450 were filed in 2019.

B. Once you find a lead, you’ll want to do the following to qualify that lead: 

  • Verify that the person who passed away owned real estate.
  • Check that the person who passed away was the last remaining spouse.

I checked the top probate case and found that the owner did own real estate, and it doesn’t appear she has a spouse on the title.

This lead looks promising! So, let’s continue on to Step #2 and I’ll show you how to find the decision maker and their contact information.

If you absolutely cannot find the Probate Court Records in your area, there are other options for you. I lay out several of them in the last module of this training.

Step 2: Find the best contact person and get their contact information.

You want to find the decision maker who has the authority to sell the house. Usually that’s a Personal Representative, the Executor of the Estate, or an heir.

There are several different ways to do that:

  • Get the information from the Probate Court Case Record.
  • Get the information from the Obituary.
  • Find out who is paying the property taxes. They’ll usually know if the owners want to sell.
  • Use Google, Facebook, and other publicly available information.

Let’s go through these options one at a time.

How to find the Best Contact Person - using the information in the Probate Court Case Records. 

I’ll use this estate as an example. I found the Probate Case using the instructions in Step #1 above. 

I clicked and opened the case and found the following information.

Usually, the Petitioner is the Personal Representative, but I was able to confirm that on this case because I went through the court filings.

I found a Petition for Summary Administration on the Court Docket.

I was able to access the document and found this paragraph on it:

So now that I know I have the right person, how do I find their contact information? I’ll show you how in Step #3.

How to find the Best Contact Person — using the information from the Obituary.

I’ll use this property as an example.

I searched Google and found her obituary. See below.

In the obituary, you’ll want to look for the part that says “survived by” or something like that. Here’s that part of Sarah’s Obituary.

Now that I have their names, I need to find them. You have to be a detective and dig up the information!

First, try to see if their heirs live in the area. You can search local property records or the White Pages or simply google their name and the city. For example, “Susan Staley Jacksonville, FL.”

I found a “Susan Staley” in Orange Park, which is about 40 minutes away, but I couldn’t find any tangible information on her, such as property records, address, or even a phone number.

So I searched for the next daughter and found her. See below.

Notice that she matches all 3 names in the Obituary below?

And when I searched for “Katherine and Spencer Silverglate,” this is what I found:

So now that I know I have the right person, how do I find their contact information? I’ll show you how in Step #3. If you’re ready, go there now.

If you can’t find the person using one of those methods, mail your book to the deceased at their address. One of the heirs is bound to stop by and check the mail.

If you only want to mail the best leads, then drive past the homes and see if anyone is living in them. If a home looks empty, then it’s worth sending them your book.

I found 2 Inherited Homes about a mile away from our office, so I drove past them this afternoon. One of them was clearly occupied.

But the other had those telltale signs of being prepped to go on the market. Look at the picture below.

I would definitely send them my book and maybe even leave a note on the door!

Step 3: Find the Mailing Address and Phone Number of the Personal Representative so you can send them your book and follow up. 

Once you find the Personal Representative or Executor, you’ll want to find their mailing address and phone numbers.

4 Ways to find their mailing address:

  • Probate Court Case
  • Local Property Records
  • White Pages
  • Google

You can usually get their mailing address from the Probate Court Case. That is the first place I’d look. 

How to find their mailing address using Local Property Records. I was looking for Paul Stanford, who inherited a home in Atlantic Beach, FL. I found his address in the local property records. See below.

How to find their mailing address using See an example below.

How to find their mailing address using Google. That’s how I found the mailing address for Katherine Silverglate, who inherited a home in Atlantic Beach, FL. I Googled her, discovered she is an attorney, and found her address on her Florida Bar Member Profile. See below.

3 Ways to Find Their Phone Numbers:

  • Intelius Premier
  • Google Search

How to find their phone number using See an example below.

Unfortunately, their cell phone number is blurred out, and the only way to access it there is by signing up for their paid service. This is why I don’t like White Pages! If you’re serious about getting listings, sign up for a phone number service like Intelius Premier.

How to find their phone numbers using Intelius Premier. Intelius Premier is the best source because they provide cell phone numbers and don’t try to sell you unnecessary reports. It costs $20 a month, but you’ll save a lot of time using their service.

Here are the Intelius Premier Results for Paul Stanford.

Notice how many more phone numbers I have! Yes, some of them are junk, but if I call all of them, I will probably reach him.

How to find their phone number using Google. Just search the person’s name, along with the City and State. You can find other records and information that may yield a great phone number.

Here is another record I found on Google for Paul Stanford.

Here is a business record and phone number for Paul Stanford.

I wouldn’t have found that if I didn’t look him up on Google.

Once you get the information, you’ll want to organize your leads by adding them to your CRM or organizing them in a Google Sheet. If you use a CRM, add them in, or you can add them to a simple Google Sheet like you see below:

Step 4: Send them your book with a Cover Letter.

We have found that when you send out your book first, it turns a“cold call” into a “warm call” — so when you follow up a week or two later, the leads are friendly and receptive.

How to mail your book. 

Insert your book and the package contents inside a bubble mailer. Once you’ve got your books packed up, go to the post office, buy stamps and mail them to your leads.

Here’s an example of the book being put into a bubble mailer.

Where to buy the bubble mailers:

Alternatively, you could insert your book into a clear bag, fold the cover letter over, insert it inside the pages, and leave that at the front door.

What to include with your book. We recommend including a Cover Letter that introduces yourself and explains how you can help. Below are a few Cover Letters you can use.

Personal Representative Cover Letter

General Heir Cover Letter

Step 5: Follow up on your leads — until you reach them. 

Follow up on your leads about a week after you mail them your package. Here’s a script you can use to follow up, start a conversation, and get listings.

Inherited Follow-Up Script

If they are on the Do-Not-Call List, knock on their door and talk to them. You can use the script to start the conversation.

It pays to be persistent and continue following up repeatedly until you reach them. 

In our experience, about 60% of all listings are obtained after multiple calls. One time, we listed a home after calling a seller just about every day for 2 weeks. It took 10 phone calls, but the $8,750 commission was worth the extra calls!

Most of the people you call will be friendly, but a few will be unhappy that you’re calling them. If they complain, simply apologize and end the phone call.

Consider adding direct mail to your follow-up efforts. 

If you can’t reach the Personal Representative after five calls, mail them the first letter below, wait a week, and call them again. Repeat this process until you’ve sent the four follow-up letters and followed up four more times over the phone.





Step 6: Winning the Listing.

Your main goal is to meet with the main decision maker — which is usually the Personal Representative or Executor of the Estate. But sometimes, you’ll find a lead where one hasn’t yet been assigned.

In that case, you’ll be meeting with one of the heirs. You should strive to build rapport and put yourself in first position as the agent to hire if all of the heirs agree to sell.

If possible, try and meet all the heirs at the same time. If you don’t, you’ll need to meet with each one, do a CMA, give them your listing presentation, and try to win them over.

If you succeed using this method, you can win over enough of the heirs to gain consensus and win the listing.

10 Tips For Winning More Of Your Listing Presentations:

#1. Use our books to show how you’ll sell their home for top dollar because your marketing will attract more buyers and generate more interest in the property. 

Our books talk extensively about the best strategies for marketing a home. So, familiarize yourself with your book and talk about the contents.

#2. Use our Easy Close Listing Presentation and support materials.  This presentation supplements the books and talks about 5 different strategies you will use to get the seller top dollar. We’ve tested it on dozens of listing appointments. 

You can access it on this page. Just look for the Easy-Close Listing Presentation.

#3. Show how you can make the Personal Representative’s job easier. Many of the sellers are out of town. Oftentimes, little things will have to be done to prepare the home to go on the market.

If you offer to help oversee those things, that will take a load off their shoulders and win you the listing. I once won a listing for a seller who lived 1,000 miles away because I offered to find someone to clean the home and pool.

#4. Use the assumptive close. This is where you just assume the person is going to list with you, and the paperwork, etc., is just a formality. You’d be amazed how powerful this closing strategy can be.

I remember the first time I used it. The seller just listed with me and I was sitting there thinking to myself, “Look, they’re signing the listing agreement. I can’t believe this is happening.”

#5. Demonstrate that you can sell their house. Show the seller other homes you have sold and write up case studies on them. We have a sample of our Case Studies below. You’ll have to modify the document for your own business


If you don’t have case studies yet, then use your brokerage’s case studies. After all, when you’re just starting out, you’re going to need your broker’s help and credibility to get business.

#6. Learn everything you can about how to build rapport with people. One of the best books ever written on this subject is the classic book, How To Win Friends and Influence People. I’ve used the strategies inside this book and won more listings as a result.

#7. Sell yourself on how great you are at selling homes. Yes, I know this sounds arrogant and almost like magical “voodoo.” But, it works. Here are the best ways to sell yourself on the value that you provide.  

Go through all of your successful case studies. Look at the homes you sold that other agents couldn’t sell. Look at the homes you sold for a record high price. When you reflect on your successes, you’ll realize the value you bring to the table. 

Stop the negative self talk and focus on positive self talk. Tell yourself, “I’m the best Realtor in my town,” “I sell homes for top dollar,” “Sellers want to hire me,” etc. You might as well build yourself up, rather than beat yourself down.

#8. Work hard to “up your game” and genuinely provide more value than your competition. Great marketing and sales will not make up for a low-quality product. In fact, they will only accelerate the speed at which people realize the product is low quality. 

You need to constantly be on the lookout for new ways to market and sell your listings. Learn advanced negotiating strategies so you can do a better job for your customers. 

Look for new marketing strategies to market your listings. Our books and listing presentation have some great marketing strategies, so start by familiarizing yourself with them and then look for other cutting-edge strategies.

#9. Learn everything you can about presentations, persuasion, sales, marketing, etc. Real estate is a marketing and sales business. There’s no way around that. 

So, you might as well get really good at it. Study other agents’ listing presentations. Study the greats. Learn everything you can about the subject! Pretty soon you’ll start winning more listings, and the business will become fun again!

#10. Learn how to handle listing objections. The #1 way to handle objections is to reduce the odds of them coming up in the first place. Despite what you may think, most amazing salespeople are not much better than you at handling tough objections from difficult customers. 

They just have more sales opportunities, are more convinced of why people should buy from them, and have more practice at handling objections. 

I’ve met lots of amazing salespeople, and very few of them can work “miracles” and close impossible sales. Stop beating yourself up and use these tips to reduce the odds of objections ever coming up in the first place.

  • Sell yourself 100%, and it will be easier to sell others on how great you are. This will reduce the odds of objections ever coming up in the first place.
  • Talk about how your marketing will generate more buyer interest so the sellers get a higher price.
  • If a seller is resistant, tell them they can fire you at any time if they change their mind. I’ve won lots of listings because I was willing to do that. And, in today’s review-driven real estate environment, you’d probably allow a seller to cancel at any time anyways.
  • Practice the most common listing objections and how you will handle them. That way, when you get the objection, you are prepared and will handle it better. The mere act of practicing objections will keep you calm under pressure and reduce the likelihood of them ever coming up.

We’ll be releasing a blog post soon about the most common listing objections and how to overcome them. Be on the lookout for it soon.

Step 7: Working with the different parties involved on an Inherited Home Listing.

We’ll be releasing a blog post soon about the most common listing objections and how to overcome them. Be on the lookout for it soon.

Tips for working with the different heirs on an Inherited Home

If you’ve ever worked with inherited home sales, you know how emotionally charged the process can be. Not only has the person selling recently lost a loved one, but there are often multiple players involved — some of whom don’t agree on what should be done with the home.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked with Authorify members who have worked in the inherited homes niche. We gathered their advice on dealing with highly emotional clients and ensuring the sale goes smoothly from start to finish.

Working with Emotional Clients

“It's just such a unique experience whenever you're working with them because it's one of those bittersweet things you’ve got to walk through,” says Marie Surratt, an agent from Tampa. “You listen to them talk about all the times that they had in that house and everything. So it's kind of like being empathetic and being there to support them and try to celebrate the life that they had and just kind of walk through and listen to them. And if you listen and relate — that's actually how I got one of the listings is because they're like, ‘Oh, you're the only one that is actually letting us talk about everything that's happened.’ And I think that's important for them to be able to get that closure.”

Marie says helping people through an inherited home sale is a form of healing, and she doesn’t take that responsibility lightly.

“I'm looking at it as like maybe taking one of those issues off so that a family can come back together, you know, because when you have the divide and trying to figure out what to do with this house and how to do this, and ‘Oh, well, why did mom say that they get to be in charge? And, you know, you have all those different emotions that — I just find that very rewarding as part of my job.”

Tiffany Hudson, an agent from Pembroke Pines, Florida, says securing inherited listings takes a modified approach.

“You know, as agents, we love to talk, and we have, you know, our script in our heads and everything else. But it's about being quiet and listening to the client's needs and coming from contribution. And if we put that in our mind first and foremost, all the time, then we'll always have happy clients.”

Home Pricing

Marie says one of the most challenging parts of listing an inherited home is attempting to take the emotion out of price setting.

“I would tell them, ‘Yeah, it's priceless,” ... but what you're trying to put a price on are your memories that you've had here. And you have those memories to take with you — like that's the one thing no one can take away. Realistically, if a tornado came through, if we had a hurricane and this house was wiped out, what would you have to spend to put it back? And that's what you're looking at when you want to talk about the value. And I also tell them to look at it — you know, the market value is only what somebody is willing to pay for it.”

David Olson, an agent from Cold Springs, Minnesota, says it’s important to approach pricing objections with solid facts.

“I just show them the data for what the type of the property has and how that's sold. So if they grew up in the house in the 70s or 80s, and they have certain memories there, I still have to show them properties that were built in the 70s and 80s and what they're selling for.

“So the value is the dollar of the house and not their intrinsic value that the family members might have. ...That's just the way it works. And they just have to start understanding that, but it might take a week or two for them to come to that realization.”

Preparing the Home for Sale

One of the hurdles Tiffany frequently has to overcome is getting clients to separate emotions from the home so they can properly prepare it for sale.

“What I normally do is I will say to them, envision a buyer coming into this house — you know, buyers buy on emotion. So we really want to neutralize the space so that they can envision themselves and their family in here. We want to put away personal items, photographs, memorabilia, and I always say to them, it's a good idea to start packing them now. And I’ll walk the house with them. I normally do like a free staging consultation. Sometimes, it's good to have a neutral party come in if you don't feel comfortable with having that conversation yourself. Because it definitely helps to get the seller on board and help them to understand the process of neutralizing and making it less personal because especially with older sellers and people that are dealing with grief, you know, everything is personal to them. And that space that does hold so much memories.”

Marie explains to her clients that any updates and adjustments they are willing to make to the home will impact the amount of money they receive for it.

“If you want this for your house, then you need to do X, Y, and Z. If you just want to paint and do a few things, you can get this for the house. If you want to sell it just as it sits and do nothing, this is what we're going to get. So you have a range to choose from. And then I let them talk about it, to decide. Top houses are immaculate. Like you're going to have to paint, maybe update the flooring, update the countertops and put, you know, five or $10,000 into it to get this price. If you look around and you go, well, you know, the baseboards need painting, the walls, need painting, and just really give it all a good cleaning, scrub the windows and everything. You're going to spend maybe $1,000/$2,000. We can price it right here.

Managing Multiple Players

As we previously mentioned, there are often multiple parties involved in an inherited home sale. It’s important to understand each of their roles and appeal to them.

“I would say, just really be prepared to be a great listener, to be able to hear the emotions and hear what they're actually saying and how they're feeling so you can make the connection and help them start,” Marie says. “For the most part, you might have one or two of them that are just looking at a number sense, like let's get rid of this house and let's just move on.

Especially if you have one family member that was there taking care of someone or that was there all the time and someone that lives out of state.

“So you have to be able to put different hats on whenever you're there.

Especially if you have one family member that was there taking care of someone or that was there all the time and someone that lives out of state.

“So you have to be able to put different hats on whenever you're there.

Listening will help you figure out how to deal with each person. And I mean, and they're not all good. Not all family members get along. So, you know, it's trying to bridge that gap and trying to get them to all come to an agreement because when you can't get them all to come to an agreement, you know, there's no deal. Because it's all or none, not a majority rules.

Ed Hru, an agent who specializes in divorce and probate listings, understands the dynamic of an inherited sale because he went through one himself.

“I know that when my parents died, there was friction between the three sons. One of them didn't like the fact that another one was the personal representative and made choices. He didn't like those choices. So even with our own family, we had disagreements on everything. You have people that don't need the money and you have people that really need the money. So there might be a difference between somebody who really wants to sell and somebody who says, no, let's wait until the market gets a little better.”

Other Ways to find Inherited Homes.

Option #1: Buy the leads from a paid lead provider.

Search Google for Inherited Lead Providers in your area. For example, search “County Name ST Probate Leads.” I did that and discovered that you can get probate court case filings from the local Legal Newspaper.

We found a few companies that will provide you with probate leads. We have no experience using them, but you may want to try them out. Those companies are Probate Leads ( and US Probate Leads (

Once you find the Inherited Home, the next step is to find the decision maker so you can contact them. I show you how to do that in Step #2 above.

Option #2. Find Inherited Homes by searching for the word “Estate” in your local property records.  

You’ll want to search the property records in your area. Most counties have that information available online on the Property Appraiser or Tax Assessor’s website. If that isn’t available, you may be able to get the information from your MLS or a company like Property Shark.

Once you get access to the database, search for the word “Estate” in the Owner Name Field. This will usually return Inherited Homes that are owned by an estate.

You’ll want to weed out properties that have “Life Estate,” “Real Estate,” “Estates,” or any other lead that doesn’t look correct. 

Below is an example using the Duval County, Florida Property Appraiser’s Website. I found 173 properties like this in Atlantic Beach, Florida — which is a high-end area near our office. I highlighted several properties that look promising.

You’ll want to weed out properties that have “Life Estate,” “Real Estate,” “Estates,” or any other lead that doesn’t look correct. 

Below is an example using the Duval County, Florida Property Appraiser’s Website. I found 173 properties like this in Atlantic Beach, Florida — which is a high-end area near our office. I highlighted several properties that look promising.

There were a total of 30 promising leads in Atlantic Beach, which has a population of about 14,000 people.

One of these homes is already Pending. See below.

Here is the Property Appraiser’s Page for that home.

Now that you know how to do this, go and try it out using your local property records.

Once you find the Inherited Home, the next step is to find the decision maker so you can contact them. I show you how to do that in Step #2 above.

Option #3. Find Inherited Homes using Obituaries.

You can find Obituaries in your local newspaper, or on websites like,, or is the biggest, so I’ll show you an example from there.

I found a list of recent obituaries in Atlantic Beach, FL, on their site.

Once you find an obituary, you’ll want to do the following to qualify the lead:

  • Verify that the person who passed away owned real estate. Simply cross reference their name with your local property records. You can usually find the property records on your county’s website. It’s usually called the Property Appraiser or Tax Assessor.
  • Check that the person who passed away was the last remaining spouse.

The first obituary didn’t own any real estate, but the second obituary looks promising because she owned a house and her spouse already passed away.

Now, search for the people’s names on the Property Records. In this case, I’m going to look up the Divorce Name from above.

I found her house on the Property Appraiser’s Website, and they already changed the owner name to include the word “Estate.”

The property is worth about $275,000, so this is definitely worth pursuing!

Sometimes, people will pass away and it will take a while for their heirs to file a Probate Case. In that situation, I recommend waiting 6 months to reach out to them.

But once 6 months has passed, I’d start reaching out to their heirs. You can usually find out who they are from the Obituary. Here’s an example:

I’ve found that property records are one of the best ways to find nearby relatives. I searched to see if any of Marjorie’s children own property in the area. Turns out her son, Paul A Stanford lives about 2 miles away from her home.

I found his name and mailing address on the property records. See below.

Now that I have his name and address, I need to find his phone number. I’ll show you how to do that in Step #3 above.

Option #4. Sign up for the automated emails from Estate

This is the easiest way to get hot listing leads literally emailed to you. If they’re ready to do an Estate Sale, they’re probably ready to list their house. So, go to and sign up for free email notifications. 

Bonus Training: How to hire an inexpensive Virtual Assistant to research the leads for you. 

Tiffany is an Authorify member in Florida, and she hired someone on Fiverr to research Inherited Leads for her. She showed them how to do it, and they found over 100 Inherited Leads for her.

You can hire someone on FiverrFreelancer.comUpwork, or other sites to research the leads for you.

If you would like to learn more, you can read our full Guide To Hiring A Virtual Assistant

Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!

Find out more about Boost Assist here!

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Get More Referrals from Your Sphere of Influence

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Tax Lien Listings

The Tax Lien Listing Guide

Owners delinquent on property taxes need your help to sell. Many are at risk of losing all their equity if they don't sell fast. This guide will show you how to find them and help them sell.

Delinquent Tax Course: Part 1

Delinquent Tax Course: Part 2

Delinquent Tax Course: Part 3

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Find Listing Leads In The Top 8 Niches

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Luxury Listing Funnel

Land More High-Dollar Deals With The Luxury Listing Funnel

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Using Fiverr To Generate Leads

Using Fiverr To Generate Leads

Leads are the name of the game in any form of sales, real estate included. Lead generation can be a time-consuming process, and wouldn’t you rather be out converting leads than spending hours locating them?

In the video below, we show you how to contract out the task of lead generation for as little as $5 using freelancers via

Step 1: Sign Up For Fiverr

Go to and select the Join button located in the top right corner.

A pop-up box will appear, giving you multiple sign-up options.

You will now be prompted to create your Username and verify Email Address.

Step 2: Search For Quality Services

From the Fiverr home page, you will see the Find Services Search Box.

Enter Real Estate Leads and click search.

Once your initial results are populated, you can refine the search to better fit your needs. There are several customizable options to choose from.

First, click the Category dropdown menu and select Lead Generation.

Next, click the Service Options dropdown menu.

Select the Real Estate option.

The third tool you can use to refine your search is Seller Details. This allows you to select the level of experience/trust in the seller.

From the dropdown menu, select Level Two Seller. This will give you high-quality results.

Next, you can select the Budget.

Click the dropdown menu and enter a minimum and maximum value.

We suggest setting the values from $5-$20.

As your search becomes more refined, you will be able to browse the list of sellers.  You will see a brief description, number of reviews and starting listing price from this preview view.

As you click on the individual sellers, you will open their listings.

Scroll down the page to see everything the seller offers. In our example, you will see multiple niche-specific leads are available.

You will also see the delivery time of the leads.

Step 3:  Place Order

Each Fiverr seller will have multiple levels of service. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see options for BasicStandard and Premium levels of service.

Once you have chosen the desired level of service, click the Continue button.

Now you are ready to make your purchase.

Click the Continue To Checkout button and fill out the payment information.

Once the order has been placed, you will see a button that says Submit Requirements

On the following page, you will want to fill out each section with the listings information for your area. 

Question 1 -  What type of list?
  • Absentee
  • Vacant
  • Expired
  • High Equity
  • Tax Delinquent
  • Liens (Tax, HOA, Utility, Etc.)
  • Pre-Foreclosures
  • Foreclosures
  • Failed Listings
  • Inner-Family Transfer
  • Divorce

Question 2 -  Location? You can use Zip Codes or City Name.

Question 3 -  Additional Info - This section is optional, but it allows you to add any filters or list preferences you’d like the freelancer to be aware of.

Once you’ve finished adding your information, select the checkbox and Press the Start Order button.

Step 4: Access The Leads

Each Fiverr seller will have a different delivery time. Once your order is ready, you will receive an email.

You can also view the status of your order by clicking on the Orders button at the top right of the page.

Once your list of leads is ready, you can access it using the Delivery tab of the Orders page. You can then download the document directly to your device.

Now, you have your list of leads.

Simply open it in a spreadsheet software such as Excel or Google Sheets.

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

Land More High-Dollar Deals With The Luxury Listing Funnel

Land More High-Dollar Deals With The Luxury Listing Funnel

How would you like to make more money while doing less work? Well, by targeting higher-priced listings you can do just that. It’s simple math, the larger the listing price the more money in your pocket. But here’s the thing about luxury listings, most agents shy away from them. That means they are ripe for you to target.

Throughout this course, you will learn how to locate listing leads in a variety of different niches online, build an Instant Trust Package to ensure you are never making another cold-call and get all the resources you need to create a flawless follow up campaign.

How To Find New Leads Online

Before you can send your marketing materials to a luxury listing you have to find them, right? Below, Ben will walk you through how to find leads online in the top eight niches. For a more in-depth look at these steps you can check out our Complete Guide To Finding Leads Online.


The definition of a luxury listing is going to vary depending on your market, so simply define the price point you consider “high-dollar” and target leads from that baseline.


Sending The Instant Trust Package

How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

Your Instant Trust Package is designed to help create the best possible first impression when reaching out to a new lead.

This package should be mailed to or dropped off to the seller prior to making the first phone call. Sending this package ensures all future phone calls are no longer cold-calls but rather warm-calls

Check out what Authorify member Weyland had to say about making contact with home sellers after sending The Instant Trust Package.

Instant Trust
What Is Included In The Instant Trust Package and How To Customize It?

You don’t have to add all of these marketing pieces. Modify the documents to match what you do and the way you do business. You can insert the documents in your book package – before or after your book.


The downloadable templates below will require a free account. Be sure to watch the tutorial videos in each of the following sections for instructions on how to customize each template.

If you are new to Canva, please watch the following video to see how to create a free account and set it up for success.

Your Book

Obviously, your book will be front and center of any Instant Trust Package you send. The book is what will catch their eye first. To add an extra level of personalization, leave a handwritten note in the cover or mark individual pages with Post-Notes.

Cover Letter

The cover letter introduces you and explains why you’re sending the book. Linked below are three variations of our General Sellers cover letter. Over on the Cover Letter Templates Page we have more than a dozen niche specific cover letter templates to choose from.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Watch the video below for customization tips

Customization Checklist:

  • Add your name to the greeting
  • (Optional) Edit the home prices in paragraph two to better match your market
  • Include your phone number in the final paragraph
  • Edit sender name
  •  Add your headshot
Agent Comparison Chart

Use this chart to compare what you do to market a home versus what kind of service the average agent typically provides.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Edit the contact information at the bottom of the page
Marketing Plan

Use this sample marketing plan to illustrate what you offer and how you market the homes you list. Feel free to modify this to match what you will do to market your prospect’s home.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Include your contact information and headshot on page 1
  • (Optional) Customize the cover letter on page 2
  • Add your name and headshot to page 2
  • Add your testimonials to page 14 and 15
  • Include you contact information and headshot on page 16
Reference Letters

Add testimonials and references from customers and colleagues to this document.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • This is designed to be an example, add your testimonials that you have gathered
  • Add your contact information and headshot to the last page
Photo Brochure

This will prove that you are going to advertise the home better than other agents.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Add your logo, headshot and contact information to the first and last page
  • (Optional) Swap out the placeholder photos for those of your own listings
How To Send The Instant Trust Package?

The Mailed Package

Insert your book and the package contents inside a bubble mailer. Once you’ve got your books packed up, go to the post office, buy stamps and mail them to your leads.

Follow Up With The 60-Day Seller Lead Campaign

Most listings are won because of follow up. We ran some numbers recently and 45% of the listings an agent took were won after repeated follow up attempts. That’s why you must follow up. 

We built out a great follow up campaign that will help you do that. It includes all the necessary elements to run a seamless campaign and start getting listings immediately. 

It starts with your Book Package and progresses through a series of follow-up letters and even phone scripts.

We’ve even established a timeline, so you know exactly when to follow up with the next letter or phone call. All you need to do is list the home; we’ve done the hard part for you. You can load these letters into a follow-up sequence in Top Producer or whatever CRM you use.

Modify these templates below to fit the particular seller's situation.

Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!

Find out more about Boost Assist here!

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How to Find and Land First-Time Home Buyer Leads

Read More

How To Overcome Common Listing Objections And Win The Listing

Read More

Never Make Another Cold Call!

Never Make Another Cold Call Again!

You don’t like getting cold calls and neither do your listing leads.  We have grown so tired of cold calls the United States Government created the National Do Not Call Registry. So, with what you learn in this course you will no longer be cold calls, you will now be making warm calls to leads who already know and view you as a trusted expert.

Below you will find the three steps for following the No Cold Calling Funnel!

How To Find New Leads Online

Before you can make a cold call you have to find the lead, right? Well Step One of The No Cold Calling Funnel is no different.

Below, Ben will walk you through how to find leads online for the top eight niches. For a more in-depth look at these steps you can check out our Complete Guide To Finding Leads Online.


Sending The Instant Trust Package

How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

How To Build And Send Your Instant Trust Package

Your Instant Trust Package is designed to help create the best possible first impression when reaching out to a new lead.

This package should be mailed to or dropped off to the seller prior to making the first phone call. Sending this package ensures all future phone calls are no longer cold-calls but rather warm-calls

Check out what Authorify member Weyland had to say about making contact with home sellers after sending The Instant Trust Package.

Instant Trust
What Is Included In The Instant Trust Package and How To Customize It?

You don’t have to add all of these marketing pieces. Modify the documents to match what you do and the way you do business. You can insert the documents in your book package – before or after your book.


The downloadable templates below will require a free account. Be sure to watch the tutorial videos in each of the following sections for instructions on how to customize each template.

If you are new to Canva, please watch the following video to see how to create a free account and set it up for success.

Your Book

Obviously, your book will be front and center of any Instant Trust Package you send. The book is what will catch their eye first. To add an extra level of personalization, leave a handwritten note in the cover or mark individual pages with Post-Notes.

Cover Letter

The cover letter introduces you and explains why you’re sending the book. Linked below are three variations of our General Sellers cover letter. Over on the  Cover Letter Templates Page we have more than a dozen niche specific cover letter templates to choose from.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Watch the video below for customization tips

Customization Checklist:

  • Add your name to the greeting
  • (Optional) Edit the home prices in paragraph two to better match your market
  • Include your phone number in the final paragraph
  • Edit sender name
  •  Add your headshot
Agent Comparison Chart

Use this chart to compare what you do to market a home versus what kind of service the average agent typically provides.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Edit the contact information at the bottom of the page
Marketing Plan

Use this sample marketing plan to illustrate what you offer and how you market the homes you list. Feel free to modify this to match what you will do to market your prospect’s home.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Include your contact information and headshot on page 1
  • (Optional) Customize the cover letter on page 2
  • Add your name and headshot to page 2
  • Add your testimonials to page 14 and 15
  • Include you contact information and headshot on page 16
Reference Letters

Add testimonials and references from customers and colleagues to this document.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • This is designed to be an example, add your testimonials that you have gathered
  • Add your contact information and headshot to the last page
Photo Brochure

This will prove that you are going to advertise the home better than other agents.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Click the desired image to access the customizable Canva Template.

Customization Checklist:

  • Add your logo, headshot and contact information to the first and last page
  • (Optional) Swap out the placeholder photos for those of your own listings
How To Send The Instant Trust Package?

The Mailed Package

Insert your book and the package contents inside a bubble mailer. Once you’ve got your books packed up, go to the post office, buy stamps and mail them to your leads.

Follow Up With The 60-Day Seller Lead Campaign

Most listings are won because of follow up. We ran some numbers recently and 45% of the listings an agent took were won after repeated follow up attempts. That’s why you must follow up. 

We built out a great follow up campaign that will help you do that. It includes all the necessary elements to run a seamless campaign and start getting listings immediately. 

It starts with your Book Package and progresses through a series of follow-up letters and even phone scripts.

We’ve even established a timeline, so you know exactly when to follow up with the next letter or phone call. All you need to do is list the home; we’ve done the hard part for you. You can load these letters into a follow-up sequence in Top Producer or whatever CRM you use.


Pro Tip: Hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all of your lead gen and follow-up so you have more time to spend with clients! From lead generation and appointment setting to social media management and data collection, the Boost Assist team can help you delegate routine tasks and free up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture!

Find out more about Boost Assist here!

Other Lead Generation

Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Find Listing Leads In The Top 8 Niches

Read More