The Complete Guide To Building Your Authorify Book

The Complete Guide To Building Your Authorify Book

Welcome to the Complete Guide to building your personally branded book!

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to completely customize the cover and contents of your book. We will also walk you through the steps to generate your digital book and landing page links.

This course is broken down into 5 easy-to-follow modules covering every aspect of the Authorify Book Builder Application.


Be sure to check out the bonus modules for additional customization features.

Module 1: Selecting and Customizing The Book Cover

When customizing one of your personally branded books, we highly suggest starting with personalizing the cover. Once you complete the cover you can generate you digital book links to begin promoting it. At any point you can come back and customize the interior of a chosen book.


As you make changes to your book, it’s important to save frequently.

After each edit you make, a green box will appear to alert you to the changes being automatically saved.

Additionally, you can save your work by clicking the Save button at the top right of the screen.

The Front Cover

The front cover is one of, if not the most important, part of your book. And while by this point you have already selected your cover design, there are two areas for you to customize: the Headshot Photo and Author Name.

Selecting Your Cover

Included with each book is a selection of cover templates. You can select a cover with a spot for your headshot or one without.

To select a new cover template, navigate to the left side of the screen and simply click on the image of your desired book cover.


If you did not upload a headshot when you initially logged into your account, now is the time to do so. If at any point you take an updated photo or would just like to switch to a different photo, follow the instructions below.

To edit your photo, click on the headshot currently on the front cover of your book.

This will bring up a new Author Image dialog box from which you can add a new photo or select a previously uploaded one.

Author Name

The second section of the front cover you can edit at any time is the Author Name.

To make changes to the name displayed on your book, simply click on your name, and the Author Name dialog box will appear.


One question we often get is “How do I add the REALTOR® Logo to my cover?”

Simply type out REALTOR

To add the trademark ® symbol:

  • Mac Users: Hold Option and press R
  • PC Users: Hold ALT press 0174

The Back Cover

Book Description

Starting at the top of the back cover, the first customizable section is the Book Description.

These sections have been prewritten to reflect the content of the book, so you don’t need to do any editing. However, if you would like to add some personal touches, simply click on the section.

That will bring up the Book Description Back Cover editor. Once you are happy with your edits, click OK.

Short Author Bio

Next, you can edit the Short Author Bio. Again, we’ve provided a template for you to use without editing.

But in case you do want to edit it, click the text to open the Short Author Bio Back Cover editor.

Remember to watch your character/word count to make sure the text you add fits in the allotted space.

Back Cover Headshot

In addition to the headshot on the front cover, there is a placeholder for a photo on the back cover. 

In order to update this photo, simply click on the placeholder and chose the desired file.

Note: Below you will find a Bonus Module about using QR Codes, this is a great location to add a QR Code to your book.


Next up, we have both your Broker Logo and Fair Housing logo. If you do not see these areas of customization on your book, navigate to the left of the screen and click on the setting icon. This will open the Preferences dialog box.

You will see options to activate/disable your Broker Info, Broker Logo and Fair Housing Logo.

Broker Logo

In order to add your own Broker Logo, click on the place holder and locate your logo file on your desktop.

For best results, use a Transparent PNG file. 

Broker Address

The broker address is a piece of information you can enter during your initial account login.

To make changes to this bit of information, click on the address, and the Broker Address editor will appear.

In addition to your address, this is a great location to add a website.

Broker Contact

The email address and phone number on the back of your book are again populated using the information you provided upon first logging into your account.

If you need to make changes to that contact info, click the text and you will open the Broker Contact editor.

Additional Services

While each book comes with several cover options, you can further personalize your book with a custom cover.

Our team can work with you to create a one-of-a-kind cover that’s unique to your business.

To the right, you can see examples of custom covers our team created for member Jim Curry.

To find out more about this service, please reach out to our Support Team at or 904-695-9933

*Final Thought*

From this point, your book is ready to start distributing digitally. To learn how to generate your Digital Book Link and Landing Page, go to Module 4.

Module 2: Managing and Editing The Sections Of Your Book

Your book is 100% editable, and in this section, we will show you how to manage and edit the inside contents. We will show you how to Activate Sections, Edit Section Text and give you a brief overview of each section.

Getting Started

Once you’re in the book editor application, navigate to the drop-down menu at the top right of the page.

Once it is open, you will see several options.

Click Manage Sections.

Activating Sections

To activate sections of your book, simply click and drag a section from the Inactive list to the Active list.

The order in which you place the sections in the Active List is the order they will appear in both your digital and printed book.

Feel free to arrange your sections in whatever order you choose. We typically suggest the following order: Forward, Biography, Testimonials, Manuscript, Resources and Call To Action.

Editing The Sections

To edit any section of your book, simply click on the Pencil Icon to the right of the section you would like to edit.

This will open the individual section editor.

Along the left-hand side of the window, there are several templates available for each section.

These templates serve as a great blueprint for you to follow when customizing your book.

To choose a template, simply click on it.

If you choose to use one of the provided templates, you will see sections highlighted in yellow that must be edited.

These sections are placeholders.

To make changes, edit the text as you would any word document.

In many of the sections you will also see a Blank Template.

Feel free to use this for such sections as the Forward or Biography and add your own text.

Remember to save your work often!

Before exiting a section, click the Save button or wait for the green dialog box to appear in the top right corner. This box lets you know that your work has been automatically saved.

Section Overview

Now that you know how to manage and edit the different sections of your book, let’s take a brief look at each one.

It is important to note that you can omit any section you don’t want to include (other than the manuscript).


The forward can be used as a brief introduction to your book or yourself as a trusted Realtor.

Having the forward come from someone other than yourself, such as your broker or a former client, can lend even more credibility.

There are several templates available that will fit many different needs. Be sure to check them all out.


Your biography should tell prospective clients exactly who you are.

Again, we have several templates available to be used as blueprints for you to write your own.


This may be one of the most important sections of your book. Potential clients will want to know you have a proven track record, and client testimonials are a great way to show that.

We have several templates available, from short case-studies to long-form client letters. Take a look at the examples and choose the style that best suits you.


The manuscript is the meat of your book.

Coming up in Module 3, we will dive into this section in more detail.


Do you have a list of painters, carpet cleaners or even lenders?

This is a great section to give both buyers and sellers alike the contact information for your most trusted partners.

Check out the provided templates to get ideas of the different services you can include in your resources section.

Call To Action

Last but certainly not least, the Call To Action provides the reader with incentive to contact you.

Check out our various templates, including Home Value Offers, Marketing Consultations, Photography Offers, and more.

Each template gives you space to include your contact information.

Module 3: Managing The Manuscript

The manuscript is the meat and potatoes of your book. Our awesome team of writers have done their research and laid out these chapters into what we have found to be the most effective order.

Just like the rest of your book, the contents of your manuscript are 100% editable. With that said, we recommend doing minimal editing to get your books into the hands of potential clients quickly. You can always come back and make changes later. The books are written with a universal audience in mind, so to customize the content for your particular market, consider editing things like average home prices or specific case studies.

Editing The Manuscript

From the book preview page, click the Edit Book button above your book preview.

Doing so will open the book editor application.

Next, click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the window and choose Manage Sections.

You will now see all of the available sections of your book in the middle of the page.

To edit the manuscript, click the Pencil Icon inside of the Manuscript bar.

This will open a page displaying all of the chapters.


You can remove chapters or reorder them from this page, however we do not recommend that in most cases.

To enter a specific chapter, click the Pencil Icon next to it.

The chapter contents will open on the next page.

All of the text, including the chapter titles, is editable

To edit, treat the page as you would any word document.

Remember to save often or allow the dialog box to appear stating your changes have been saved automatically.

To exit the book editor application, click the book name in the top left corner.

This will take you back to the book preview page.

Using the book preview page, flip through your book to review your changes.

As you can see, the changes we made to the title of Chapter 2 are now reflected in the table of contents.

At this point, you are ready to generate your digital book and landing page links. Coming up in Module 4, we’ll show you how.

Module 4: How To Generate Your Digital Book Link and Landing Page

Along with every book in you Authorify library, you have access to the digital version.

View the video above or follow along with the steps below in order to generate and locate your Digital Book links.


You must re-generate these digital links after making any edits to your book. This will allow the new edits to be present in your digital materials.

Step One:

From your Authorify Dashboard click on the book you would like to get the link for.

Step Two:

From the book preview page, if you have not already published your newly edited book, click the Publish Book button.

Step Three: 

Once your digital links have been generated they will appear along the right side of the screen.

Step Four:

You will see both the landing and digital book links have been generated. You can simply copy the link from here or click the Preview button to see your digital book


From your digital book page, you can click the Share Icon.

From the share box, you can copy the link to your digital book as well as share links to individual pages.

Final Note:

Following any edit you make to your book, you must click the Publish Book button to ensure your edits are carried through to both your landing page and digital book.

Module 5: How To Place An Order For Physical Books

Now that you have customized your book, you can order physical copies to start handing out to prospective clients. In the video above, we’ll walk you through the book ordering process.

Throughout our Member Training Site, you’ll find tips and advice for how best to distribute your books, including:

Also, be sure to check out the How To Build Your Instant Trust Package course to get everything you need to stand out from the competition.

Bonus Module: How To Add Images To Your Book

Watch the video above to see the step-by-step instructions for adding your very own images to any portion of the book manuscript you desire.

Important Notes:

  • Image must be a Minimum of 500x500 Pixels

  • Max image dimensions: Width="3325" Height="2475", Max image file size: 2MB
  • After upload, you can align and resize images as needed

  • When uploading images to the book manuscript, please review your edits in the book preview screen before generating your digital book and ordering printed copies, to ensure you’re satisfied with how all images are displayed

  • When ordering printed copies of the books, all images in the manuscript will be printed in Black & White

Bonus Module: How To Create and Add QR Codes To Your Book

QR Codes are a great way to add additional information to your book and drive readers to webpages for more information.

There are several Free Online Tools to create QR Codes but the one we recommend and use in the demonstration is:

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Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Create And Locate Your Landing Page Links

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How To Send Emails Directly From The Digital Marketing Platform

The Complete Guide To Authorify Email Campaigns

Using the Email Campaign feature of the Authorify Digital Marketing platform, members have the ability to launch automated email drip campaigns, chose from more than 50 templates to send on demand emails and even create custom emails.

In the modules below we will walk you through everything from gaining access to the email campaign feature, batch loading leads and ultimately sending emails.

Module 1: Getting Started

Before you can begin sending emails through the Authorify Digital Marketing Platform there are a few steps you need to take in order grant our system access to send emails on your behalf.

Watch the video above for step-by-step instructions.

Module 2: Managing Your Leads

The recipients of emails sent through the Digital Marketing Platform will be the leads that you have either acquired via your landing pages or leads manually added.

Watch the video above for step-by-steps instructions to import and manage leads.

Note: When batch importing leads, you will need to upload a .csv file containing the following information First NameLast NameEmail AddressPhone Number, and Date.

Module 3: Sending On Demand Emails

The first option you have when it comes to sending emails is to use one of pre-written template emails.

In the video above, we walk you through the steps for selecting a template and sending it to the desired segment of your leads.

Module 4: Creating Custom Email Templates

Beyond using one of the pre-written template emails, you have the ability to create you very own custom email templates.

In the video above, we walk you through creating your custom email and delivering it to leads.

Module 5: Launching Automated Email Campaigns

Last and certainly not least, you can launch a 50-week drip campaign using the provided email templates.

Watch the video above for the step-by-step instructions for launching this campaign to a select segment of leads.

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How To Add The REALTOR® Trademark To Your Book

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How To Import Leads Into The Digital Marketing Platform

How To Import Leads Into The Digital Marketing Platform

In addition to the leads generated via your landing pages, you have the ability to import outside leads to use in the Email Campaign feature.

Before you can begin importing leads you must first format your list properly.

Using a Google Sheet or Excel file, compile your lead contact information as it appears in the image below.

The columns on your sheet will be: First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Phone Number.

You will need to convert your list into a .CSV file.

Once you have created the .CSV file containing your leads you are ready to import them into the Digital Marketing Platform.

Step One: 

From the Member Dashboard page locate the Leads Tab along the left-hand side of the page.

Step Two:

Click the Import Leads button along the top of the Leads page.

From the Import Leads dialog box click Browse Files and locate your saved .CSV file on your desktop.

Step Three: 

In order to upload your lead, you must assign them to a segment. Select the segment that best fits this list of contacts. Once you have selected the segment, click Import Leads.

*Note: you may select multiple segments

Step Four:

Your imported leads will now appear in the Leads list.

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How To Follow-Up With Your Landing Page Leads

How To Follow-Up With Your Landing Page Leads

You’ve just received a lead requesting a copy of your personally branded book, what do you do next? 

Well, follow-up of course.

When it comes to follow-up, speed is critical.

According to, you are 100x more likely to connect with a prospect if you make contact within the first five minutes as opposed after allowing just one hour to pass. Additionally, you’re 21 times more likely to convert the lead if you respond in that first five minutes.

Text Message Follow-Up

For the most immediate follow-up, you can’t go wrong with text messaging. By responding via text, you are ensuring your digital book is delivered.

Text Template: (Use this text message to quickly deliver your digital book while acquiring their physical address.)

Hi [Name]! 

I just received your request for my book, Book Title.

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

**Tip for quickly responding via text**

Save a copy of this text template on your phone by either creating a note or send yourself the text. You can then quickly copy and paste the message without having to type it new each time.

Email Follow-Up

In addition to your text message, you should follow-up via email as well. This serves many purposes, but most importantly it shows you deliver on your promises. By responding via email you are also opening up a second line of communication.

Email Template 1:

Hi [Name]!

Thank you so much for requesting a copy of my book, [Book Title].

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

Please feel free to reach out with any of you real estate questions at any time.


Your Name

Email Template 2: (Instant Trust Package Included)

Hi [Name]!

Thank you so much for requesting a copy of my book, [Book Title].

Here is the link to the digital version to view at your convenience:

[Enter Digital Book Link]

I would also love to send you a physical copy.

Can you send me the best address to send the book to?

Please feel free to reach out for any of you real estate questions at any time.


Your Name

PS. I’ve attached a few documents to further explain how I sell homes at top-dollar.

(Attach the documents the make up your Instant Trust Package)

***Tip for quickly responding via email***

Again, just like with the text message template, save a version of this email template on your desktop. It is much easier to copy and paste the templates than having to write them from scratch each time.

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How To Reset A Section Of Your Book

How To Reset A Section Of Your Book

With the ever-evolving nature of the real estate industry, Authorify strives to making sure our publications are up to date. Our team updates the manuscript text on a yearly basis but will also make changes when major movements in the industry necessitate an update.

Since customized books are personalized and published online, the updates need to be applied in your personal account through a manuscript reset.

There are two types of resets you can do: Factory Reset or Individual Section Reset

*Note: A Factory Reset will reset your entire book back to its default setting. All new manuscript additions will be present, however, any customization such as a biography or added images will be lost with a Factory Reset.

Factory Reset

A Factory Reset is designed for those looking to strip a book back to its most basic form and reset the default settings. Doing this will remove any customizations you made to the book you are resetting.

Follow the steps below to carry out a Factory Reset.

Step 1:

After selecting the book you would like to reset, click the Edit Book button. This will open the book editor application.

Step 2:

Inside the book editor, navigate to the left side of the screen and click the Reset button. 

Step 3:

From the reset popup window click the Factory Reset button.

* This will remove all customizations you have made to this particular book.

Step 4:

You will be asked one more time if you are sure you want to do the Factory Reset, click the Yes, Factory Reset Button.

Once the reset is complete be sure to click the Publish Book button located at the top-right of the screen. This will update your digital book links.

Individual Section Reset

It is highly recommended that any time you want to do a reset of your book, you choose to reset section-by-section. This will ensure that you do not inadvertently remove a customized section such as your biography or testimonials from your book.

Follow the steps below to learn how to reset a section such as a book chapter.

Step 1:

Inside the editing application of the particular book you would like to reset, navigate to the drop-down menu along the top of the screen and select Manage Sections.

Step 2:

You can choose whatever section you would like to edit from this window. For our example, I will be resetting a manuscript chapter.

To access the manuscript, click the pencil icon inside the manuscript section.

Step 3:

From the manuscript section, you can choose the chapter you would like to reset by clicking the pencil icon of that particular chapter.

Step 4:

To reset the chosen chapter, navigate to the left side of the screen and click the Reset button.

Next, click the Reset This Section Only button.

Step 5:

You will be asked one more time if you are sure you want to do the Reset, click the Yes, Reset This Section Button.

Follow steps 3-5 to reset additional chapters or book sections.

Step 6:

Once all of your resets are complete be sure to click the Publish Book button located at the top-right of the screen.

 This will update your digital book links.

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Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Import Leads Into The Digital Marketing Platform

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How To Add The REALTOR® Trademark To Your Book

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How To Send Emails Directly From The Digital Marketing Platform

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How To Add Images To Your Book

How To Add Images To Your Book

Watch the video above to see the step-by-step instructions for adding your very own images to any portion of the book manuscript you desire.

Important Notes:

  • Image must be a Minimum of 500x500 Pixels

  • Max image dimensions: Width="3325" Height="2475", Max image file size: 2MB
  • After upload, you can align and resize images as needed

  • When uploading images to the book manuscript, please review your edits in the book preview screen before generating your digital book and ordering printed copies, to ensure you’re satisfied with how all images are displayed

  • When ordering printed copies of the books, all images in the manuscript will be printed in Black & White

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How To Send Emails Directly From The Digital Marketing Platform

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How To Get The Link To Your Digital Books

How To Get The Link To Your Digital Book

Along with every book in you Authorify library, you have access to the digital version.

View the video above or follow along with the steps below in order to generate and locate your Digital Book links.

Step One:

From your Authorify Dashboard click on the book you would like to get the link for.

Step Two:

From the book preview page, if you have not already published your newly edited book, click the Publish Book button.

Step Three: 

Once your digital links have been generated they will appear along the right side of the screen.

Step Four:

You will see both the landing and digital book links have been generated. You can simply copy the link from here or click the Preview button to see your digital book.


From your digital book page, you can click the Share Icon.

From the share box, you can copy the link to your digital book as well as share links to individual pages.

Final Note:

Following any edit you make to your book, you must click the Generate Digital Book button to ensure your edits are carried through to both your landing page and digital book.

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Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

The Complete Guide To Building Your Authorify Book

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How To Create And Locate Your Landing Page Links

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How To Import Leads Into The Digital Marketing Platform

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How To Create And Locate Your Landing Page Links

How To Create And Locate Your Landing Page Links

Along with every book in you Authorify library, you are provided with a custom landing page to generate leads through all of your marketing efforts.

View the video above or follow along with the steps below in order to generate and locate your Digital Book links.

Step One:

From your Authorify Dashboard click on the book you would like to get the link for.

Step Two:

From the book preview page, if you have not already generated your digital book links, click the Publish Book button.

Step Three: 

Once your digital links have been generated they will appear along the right side of the screen.

Step Four:

You will see both the landing and digital book links have been generated. You can simply copy the link from here or click the Preview button to see your landing page.

Your Landing Page will appear with an image of your newly created book and is now ready to use to gather leads.

Final Note:

Following any edit you make to your book, you must click the Publish Book button to ensure your edits are carried through to both your landing page and digital book.

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Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Import Leads Into The Digital Marketing Platform

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The Complete Guide To Building Your Authorify Book

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How To Download Your Book Image

How To Download Your Book Image

Need a copy of your book cover image for promotional materials?

In just two simple steps, you can download a copy of your book cover image to be used on everything from social media posts, business cards and anything other marketing material you could dream up.

First, you will want to open your automatically generated Landing Page.

Right-click on the image and select Save Image As

Save the image to your desktop and you are good to go.

Note: Anytime you edit the cover of your book you will need to Re-Publish your book in order to update your landing page and digital book link. 

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Let's go in-depth to make sure you are building processes that will continue to bring in listings.

How To Send Emails Directly From The Digital Marketing Platform

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The Complete Guide To Building Your Authorify Book

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How To Add The REALTOR® Trademark To Your Book

How To Add The REALTOR® Trademark To Your Book

Want to add the REALTOR® trademark logo to your book cover?

Well, it can be done in a few simple steps.

Step One:

From the book preview page, click the Edit Book button.

Step Two:

From the book editor application, click on the Name Field. This will open the Author Name dialog box.

Step Three:

In ALL CAPS type REALTOR after your name.

Step Four:

Now it is time to add the trademark ® symbol.

Mac Users: Hold Option and press R

PC Users: Hold ALT press 0174

Once you have the trademark symbol, click Save Changes in the bottom right of the dialog box.

Step Five:

Once your edit has been saved click the Publish Book button along the top right of the screen. This will save your edits to your landing page and digital book links.

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